Watch me play the musical example. does sound easy, right? Again, I'm starting on middle C with my right hand, first finger. So how do I know what the next note will be? I can count up the notes like this starting at middle C, and going up to D, then e, then f, then G. And that's where I stopped because that's where my note is. So I counted up both On the keys and on the lines and spaces of my music, or I can use a mnemonic device or a memory trick to remember the names of the notes that said on the lines of the treble clef.
For example, I can remember the line notes in the treble staff, as every good burger deserves fries. So, if that's easy for you to remember, you can use that if I want to remember what the space notes are by using a memory device. I can remember the word face the space notes, spell the word face FA CIE coming up. So either count up or use the memory trick, whichever one works for you is fine, because we know that eventually you'll become so familiar with the notes and their names and where they are on the piano. That you won't need to really use any tricks or much counting Of course, that will come after a while. But it's just like, you know, when you meet a bunch of new people at once at first, you really don't remember the names that go with the faces.
But after interacting with them for some time, you know exactly who is who, just like that with the notes. So now let's play together. And we already know that we only have two kinds of notes. Here we have a C, and a G. So let's go ahead and play together and say the note names. See that number one, just underneath the note underneath the C, guess what it tells us to do? Put our first finger on that note, so that number one is a finger number, and the finger number can go above the note or below the note, it really makes no difference at all.
Another thing you might have noticed is that I played this example two times through. Why do you think I did that? Well, the answer is right here. These two dots. The dots are called a repeat sign repeat. So when You play to the end of a piece of music, and you see these two dots, they tell you to go back and play it again.
So to repeat the music, that's what we'll do. We'll play we'll say the note names, and then we'll repeat for now we'll leave out what we don't know, which is that third measure, okay, I'll count to four. Remember we have a C energy. And that's all we're going to say. We're going to play two types through because of the repeat sign. Are you ready?
First finger on middle C 1234, c, G, left. And then here's that say again, see? Repeat. See. Lift. See, good job, I don't really think you need to practice that on your own.
So let's just talk about that third measure. We already know that when we lift our hand, from the keys, we're making a silence and silences in music are called rests. So we know that has to be some kind of rest. This rest looks like a rectangle. It's a black rectangle, and it sits underneath a line. This rest takes up the entire measure, and we call it whole rest.
The whole rest lasts for a whole measure. Easy to remember, right? So let's play together. And this time we'll say the name of the whole rest as we get to it. We'll go a little faster because these notes are really long. Are you ready?
First finger on metal seam 1234 C. g whole rest. Oh, brand new. See? Now let's repeat. C, G. All rest. Singing sing.
Good. I know that's really easy, but go ahead and pause the video. Practice it while saying the note and the rest names and remember to do your repeat. When you feel comfortable with that, come back and we'll learn some more stuff. In this lesson, we reviewed mental See, we also learned different ways of finding notes on the staff and on the piano. We can find notes by counting up or down on the staff and then doing the same on the piano.
Or we can use memory devices to remember the line notes and the space notes In the base staff and the treble staff in the treble staff, the line notes from the bottom up are E, G, B, D f, you can use the phrase, every good burger deserves fries to remember those names, the space notes from the bottom up and the treble staff are f AC E, they spell out the word face, we'll get plenty of practice naming the notes as we play. So eventually you'll be able to look at most of the notes on the staff and immediately recognize which notes they are