Now you should be pretty comfortable with moving your fingers around on this piece. Let's make sure that we're keeping a nice steady beat and that we're being accurate with the rhythms. Right now the rhythms are pretty straightforward and easy, but remember, we're building up here. So you want to instill good habits right from the beginning. Although we're not really beginning anymore. We're kind of halfway through the course.
Yay. So we're gonna count the beats four counts in each measure. And we'll keep a nice steady beat on count four. And we'll both do at the same time. 1234 Count with me 123 412-341-2341 23412 341-234-1234 123 412-341-2341 23412 341-234-1234 123 3412 Three, four. How'd you do was a pretty easy.
Pause the video when you're ready and play and count out loud by yourself and now you should definitely aim for a steady beat. You have come a long way. Keep practicing a little bit every day and you'll see better and better results as you keep going