All right. Welcome back, guys. Now let me close this here. In our category pages, let's build the sidebar. All right. To do that, go to dashboard, go to Appearance then widgets.
Here as you can see, we have the WooCommerce sidebar. No thanks. Yeah, we have the WooCommerce sidebar, so let's just put some stuff in it. So what can we put? We can put the categories. Okay, definitely.
All right. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. We cannot put the arteries we should put the product categories. Okay, so yeah, we can put filter products by attribute. Add and filter title filter by color. All right.
Attribute color display type. Okay, see you. Again filter. Filter products by attribute, add it again. Understand we'll choose size. And here sighs All right, and save.
Done and done. Let's see what else filter products by price. Yes, our widget done. Let's see product categories Yes, Add Widget and hide empty categories All right, and product categories order by name and save. Okay, let's rearrange these product categories. Then the color the size, actually let's put size up and color then the price and after that we can put the recently viewed products.
So, recently viewed products, Add Widget. Okay, and done. Let's go back here and refresh. All right, as you can see, we have the product categories filter by price and the recently viewed products. But we don't have what we don't have, we don't have the size and the color. That is because we don't have the attributes added to these products.
And we need to actually add those attributes first in order to get them here. Okay, now to add attributes we need to do, what we need to do is go to products attributes, and here as you can see, we have two attributes already. We created these earlier on in one of the videos. Now what we need to do is configure terms and here we need to add all the colors of the T shirt that we have on our website. Okay, so I think we have red, white, green and black Red. Yeah.
So let's add all these. We have white and yellow already. Let's add green, black and white. Yeah, I think that will be all. Okay, so yeah. Now let's go back to attributes and configure towns for the size.
We have small and large already created. Let's create the medium size. Okay, and let's bring the small size up medium, large and extra large. Alright, let's see what the sizes that we have. We have small, medium, large, extra large and to extra large Okay, then to extra large and add new size All right, now let me bring the extra large town and to extra large town. Okay.
Now what we need to do is go into the all products. Okay, Open it, open one of the products, scroll down and go into attributes. Here you'll see that we have one attribute already added. Now this one is from printful. Whenever printful pushes products, it adds an attribute that we insert that Alright, so if you have also included color, you will see another attribute which is color. Now, when you click here, custom product, attribute color and size.
These two attributes are the ones that we created just now. All right. Please pay attention here. These two attributes are the ones that we created. Just now and the ones present here are from printful. Alright, be extremely mindful of this, because we need to show these variations on the product page.
All right. So, we used for variations, when we click on it will show up here. Now, let me add size add. And this T shirt is available in all the sizes. So just select select all and visible on the product page. No, we don't want it visible.
All right, now, add the color and add. From here, select the color or we didn't add red. All right. Let me just add the red attribute. All right, let's close this and save attributes. Okay, refresh.
Now, let's say The red color attributes and color add not visible on the product page and read or write and save attributes. Now when I go back here as you can see we have the sizes available and the color All right. Now, the thing is we need to do this for all the products. Okay, let me show it to you again for this T shirt. Here scroll down and variation no attributes, attributes and add the color add this is white. So from here select white, remove visible on the product page.
Again go to size and add. Select all not visible on product page save attributes. Once again, let me remind you this size is the one that we created and this one is from printful alright Take special care of this thing because this one is used for variation and this one is just to get the sidebar alright save attributes. Now, the thing is we need to do this for all the products and there is no workaround for this. So, if you have 100 products you will have to go into each one of those and add these attributes manually. And I mean there is no other way.
So, yeah, I will go into Fast Forward mode now and do this. Meanwhile, you also do that, okay, so, yeah. Alright guys, I'm done adding all the attributes. Let's Visit our website and men. Here as you can see I have six t shirt MB sizes, two t shirts and red color. Right and three t shirts and white color one t shirt and green color.
Okay, so yeah, now we are done creating our website. We are almost done. Actually we are done. There is nothing else that is left. In the next video. Let's test our website.
So I will see you there. Bye