And now we've covered the head, torso, upper extremities. Now we're going to go into the lower extremities. So for this, we do, we sit back and extend one foot, and we're going to use the same concept that we use for the arms. So we're going to use this padding action, we're going to go down the top of the leg first. So starting at the top of the hip thigh socket, we're gonna go all the way down to the foot. Make sure you're exhaling as you go forward.
Now we do the same thing. We do it on the inside and outside. So I have one hand on the outside one hand on the inside. And the last is to go down the back of the leg. So for this one, you want to be a little bit more towards the edge of your chair, extending your leg out. Start as high as you can.
The back After the fi heading down. Now don't sit too far for because as you bend forward, you're gonna potentially fall off your chair. But now, after we do that, then we again do the smoothing exercise. So here you can kind of cover all of the spots, front back sides. This exercise is excellent If you or anyone you know, have problems with night cramping. For years, having taught in senior facilities, that's one of the most common problems that people would ask me about saying They would wake up in the night with just horrible leg cramps.
And everyone that I've had do this exercise has told me that within a matter of days to a week or so they haven't had any more problems with that. So this is excellent for increasing the circulation in the lower extremities. So just as we did with the upper portion, each rub just a little bit lighter. Good. Once I'd done do the other so we start at the top And along the inside and outside and then down the back. So remember you want to set a little bit forward to get under your thighs high as possible and not so far forward that when you bend forward that you fall off your chair.
That's standing a leg, patting down the back And then we finish with this nice smoothing and focus on allowing the energy to flow smoothly down the lake Okay