Hey, welcome back. In this video, I just wanted to take you over to E zine articles.com. And this is a great resource for you to upload your articles for free. So basically what you would do here is you would write an article that's related to the topic of your book. And in your article, you can talk about your book, you can put a link back to your book. Okay, so that's really what's going to be key here because he's on articles.
If you've ever been searching for something on Google, he noticed that he zine shows up a lot, okay, so people with good articles and good content often rank pretty well in the search engines. So if you write a good article with your keywords in a link back to your book, and you do end up getting some of that good free traffic, that's only going to send traffic back to your book, okay, so easy is great for that. And if you don't really like to write articles, it's always something you could outsource all You could just take a snippet out of your book, kind of reword it a little bit to make sure that you don't get kind of paying for duplicate content. And if you if you, if you do have duplicate content, like you've got your book out there, and then you've also got your article, you may not rank with your article.
But let's say that you've got a great article, just take a piece of your book and rewrite it and upload it here to design completely free did a really great tutorial on each zine in the SEO module. Just go through all the SEO stuff if you're not familiar with E zine, but we really walked through how to create an article, how to upload it, how to get traffic to it, all that stuff. So go back and check all that out if you haven't seen it yet. But this is really a really great way to draw traffic and drive traffic back to your book. Talk about your book can include a snippet out of your book, your article could be a chapter of your book. I mean, you know, it's really A really cool resource.
So just come here and start your free membership if you're not a member of E zine and go ahead and get that first article up, and then in your description, you can put a link back to your book and it's a great way to drive traffic. So, hope you liked this little technique and we'll see in the next video