Hey, welcome back here we are@fiverr.com talking about Fiverr. Before I just wanted to show you an example here, basically Fiverr is just a place you can go where people will pretty much do anything for five bucks and it looks like now they can pay a little bit extra and get featured here on the front screen. This guy is gonna do a side foot by while holding your sign for five bucks. So lots of kind of wacky stuff goofy stuff, they've got their categories here, but all you really need to do is go up to search and just type in what you're looking for. So in this case, we're looking for a Kindle cover. Okay, so you've got all kinds of options on Fiverr Okay, it's cheap and there's a lot of options are really like it.
You really can't go wrong paying someone five bucks even as a test to see if they're good at what they do. This person said they'll create you a 3d book cover and a 2d one for kindle Kindle only lets you do the 2d but the 3d is one you can put on you know any other site. So what you want to do here before you accept this job is you want to Click on this and actually go in and see their their days of delivery. Okay, five days, that's not too bad. This guy's got a 100% gig rating. Okay, so that's great.
That's fantastic. I would never work with anybody for who had less than a 100% gig rating. Okay, then down here you can see that they've got gig extras now on Fiverr we can pay more than five bucks for this guy is going to offer you different alternatives. The rush delivered one to two days a hill search and find and use his own images for your cover. Okay, so maybe he's got his own images he's already created. So, you know, I don't know why he's charging you more for that seems like less work, but either way.
I guess he's selling you the right to his image for five bucks. Okay, then down here. You can read the comments. Very good. Highly recommend them. Second time.
Nice work. This is perfect. I'll be getting better. With more. So there you go. I mean, you know, this day and age with Elance and oDesk, and places like Fiverr.
You know, you don't really have to spend a lot of money for your design, you've got to have a compelling book. Okay? So make sure when you when you accept this guy's job that you let them know about the actual formatting that we talked about, in what you need, but he should know what this is, if he's already doing this. He's going to create YouTube covers for five bucks. You can't get better than that. I mean, that's, that's one of your only real expenses here unless you're gonna hire someone to create your book for you.
So always remember Fiverr whenever you've got a small job like this, you can pretty much get anything done for five bucks and it's usually a bargain.