Module 11 pulling it all together. We've now come to the conclusion of our workshop. So far we've presented to you different techniques that can help you manage your anger better. In this module we will show you how these different techniques come together. We will also give additional tips to help you in practicing these anger management techniques more effectively. Process Overview The following diagram is a summary of all the anger management techniques discussed in this workshop.
The techniques can be summarized into four main steps. Be informed, be self aware, take control and take action. putting it into action. The following are tips and putting anger management techniques into action. Number one, find your motivation. As with any plan towards behavioral change, it helps to sustain your motivation habits are hard to break and unless there is something strong that can inspire you to change, your efforts may not get followed through.
So find your motivation. You can remember a negative effect of anger in your life, such as health problems or poor quality of relationships and use it to encourage. You may also picture how things could be different if you can manage your anger better. Remember to choose only one change at a time. Don't expect change to happen overnight. After all, these may be lifetime habits that you were trying to change.
Instead, stick to managing one issue at a time. Develop goals that are realistic, otherwise, you might just end up frustrating yourself. Number three, reward yourself for your successes. If you've successfully managed to change affirm yourself any success no matter how small shows that you are capable. Number four, choose an accountability partner. It helps to not keep your goals to yourself.
Instead, select a trusted friend who knows what you're trying to accomplish. This friend can encourage you when you need additional motivation can spur you to action when you're lagging and can check if you're working at the pace you promised you would. Number five, seek a mental health professional. If you're really struggling with anger problems or you just need additional support. Remember, you can always seek a mental health professional. counselors, therapists and psychiatrists are all trained to address anger and its impact on your life.
Words from the wise Yogi Berra in theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is Dwight Eisenhower. Plans are nothing planning is everything. Jonas Salk. The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more