Let's have a look now at how to deal with emails. checking your email regularly during the day can be an effective way to keep your inbox and manageable levels. However, the constant interruption and distraction that comes from multitasking in this way can dramatically lower your productivity and instruct your ability to enter a state of lower when working on a high value projects. One strategy you can use is to check email only accept points during the day. For instance, you You may decide that you will only check your email first thing in the morning before lunch, or at the end of the day. You could also use the for the strategy we just discussed to manage your electronic communication.
But there are some other key ideas I would like to share with you that will help you maximize your email time. Consider email like all the routine tasks, and handle them at regularly scheduled times of the day. Ask your email contacts to use specific subject lines and use them yourself. This will help you determine whether your incoming email is business personal, urgent or not. open and read urgent emails and respond accordingly. They use your email software to its fullest potential.
Create folders for different topics of projects at keywords or categories to messages. Most email programs allow you to create rules that automatically move messages to the appropriate folder. Delete emails from your trash can and junk folder on a regular basis.