So, this module is about crisis management. With better planning, improved efficiency and increased productivity, the number of crises you encounter should decline. However, you can't plan for everything. So in this module we will look at what to do when a crisis does occur. Crisis Management is the nature of activities to respond to a major threat to person, a group or an organization. Crisis Management is a relatively new field of management, typically, proactive crisis management actions tivities include forecasting potential crisis and planning how to deal with them.
For example, how to recover if your computer system completely fails. Many people refer to this instead as risk management and crisis management. As you execute your plan, changes and new information can cross your path leading to potential crisis. In order to be successful at handling the crisis. You need to move quickly and decisively. The first thing to do is to identify the point of contact for the crisis.
For the purpose of this course we will assume that you are the point of contact. First thing you need to do is to gather and I'm analyze the data. What happened? What were the direct causes and in direct causes, what will happen next What could happen next? What events will this impact? Who else needs to know about this crisis?
Take the necessary time to do the research or some of the research yourself. You don't want to take actions based on false information. Because this could make the crisis even worse. Evaluate the time that you have before the crisis eventually gets worse. Create a plan. Your plan should contain the following components problem identification, chosen solution.
The solution needs to be broken down into steps. explain the details of each step. Define a timeline for each step. Identify the resources required. Human, technological, and so on and so forth. Make sure you share this plan with the appropriate people so that they can be prepared as well if this applies, of course.
So, execute the plan. executing the plan means continuously evaluating if the plan is working, add as many steps as you need as you collect information. during execution, make sure you stay organized and on top of events, because your plan might not be applicable at a certain point. This will also helps you communicate about the crisis in an effective and accurate manner. Learn from the crisis. Whatever happens in our lives is a great opportunity to Learn and prevent certain things from happening again in future.
I'm not always why things happened the way they did. There are things in life we cannot predict, such as illness, but we influence many things in our lives provided we accept to learn