Product Owner. Let's talk about this role. So who is this gentleman? No, no, no, it's not Scrum Master. It's a product owner. Let's talk about this guy.
So Product Owner is a scrum project key stakeholder product owner decides what to build and when to build based on the understanding of project success. Typically product owner responsible for the following major errors is the first one there's only 10 facilitate involvement of project key stakeholders. The second is to maximize the product value and the shortest be a marketplace expert. So it says the three major areas which need to be handled by product owner. In addition to the areas that we currently reviewed, there are also a number of things that are true statements in regards to the product owner role and needs to be handled by the product owner. So let's review the common things which are true for this role.
It's true that product owner is responsible for the product backlog per position. It's absolutely correct statement and product owner is the only person who is responsible about product backlog product ization. How will our product owner need to explain the approach that is use it to prioritize backlog to the scrum team and stakeholders so this process should be transparent. It's through that product owner is mandatory for three Scrum Owens. So product owner is required for sprint planning, Sprint review, and Sprint Retrospective. As far as the daily Scrum product owner is optional.
It's true that one project should have one product owner and the reason is why because having multiple product owners on the project will count problems including problems with zones of responsibilities, communications and decision making. It's true that product owner can cancels a sprint. Actually, product owner is the only person that have rights to cancels a sprint. A sprint goal is absurd eats through as a product owner is a member of scrum team as a product owner role, and actually, this person is a part of scrum team. So that's absolutely correct. It's true as a product owner is a member of the development team.
Well, it has a similar situation as with Scrum Master. It's possible that product owner could combine two roles. So I'm first going to have product owner and the second hand to have a member of development team. So Scrum allows this to happen, but I personally do not recommend this because from my ex It doesn't work really well. But in fact, it's allowed. It's chosen Product Owner is a market expert and he she has the best understanding of product there will.
So we're partially covered this statement in first chapter when we were viewed as a major error. So responsibility as a product owner. So product owner should be a marketplace expert. And in addition to that product owner should have good knowledge on their product, which is under development. And of course, should have a long term vision where to develop the project and how to develop it. So that's also important.
So where are you at? The comments things that shouldn't be also cannot buy a product owner as the things that are true for the product owner role. Now let's review the things which are incorrect assumptions were actually false statement on the product on URL, let's review. It's false and product owner is my That's referred to them as crop. So product owner is available at Costanza daily Scrum but he or she can skim this when it's false as product ownership pressures and the relevant team sells they can deliver more. It's absolutely false statement and product owner should never purchase the team and Scrum Master need to make sure that there is no pressure on the team.
Practical is there many reasons for that and one of them is that he or she can affect his or her relation with the relevant team in case of pressure. Its falls as product owner should know how to do the work and can assign the tasks. So this question was similar of what we reviewed while we talked about Scrum role. And as a member of scrum team product owner, of course can share his or her opinion on the way as a team should work. But this couldn't be just opinion. product owner should network Delta As a team how to do the work and should try towards a situation when he or she will need to assign the tasks.
So wherever you it's the major Arizona responsibility as a product owner, where you eat the things that are normally handled by the product owner and we also reviewed the assumptions or incorrect statement on the product owner role. Now let's look about the next or final role which is the weldment team.