Inner Child & Adult Self-Reclamation exercise

16 minutes
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So welcome to the next portion of the content here on PTSD, shock and trauma and cleaning and clearing, same. For those of you who did the last exercise the one that is the most simple technique for this. My hope is that obviously it did something good for you my have clear that scene. But I did suggest to you that is the first thing to try it. In other words, if that does the job, great. If it doesn't, however, and those images, those feelings remain stuck and frozen in time, then we have to recognize that this has been a shock rather than just a trauma and I don't mean to minimize it by saying just a trauma.

But the difference being that shock represents a state of helplessness and hopelessness. There was nothing we could do about it. We were trapped, and that could be trapped as a victim of something or vicariously trapped that we couldn't assist. Maybe our parents are In difficulty or trouble, but we will witness to that. And so that has gotten locked inside energetically Remember, we talked about energy packets. So for some people, this will be purely academic, maybe if you're a counselor, psychologist, someone who works with PTSD survivors, that I would urge you to please take this in, please make notes around this, there will be something accompanying this, I will have resource material.

So it really explains this again, but I want you to be aware that we're going to also do some practical work now for those people who want to actively process maybe some of the original shocks or traumas in the life or that one incident that remains stuck and frozen in time. I call this the inner child or adult self reclamation exercise. So again, for some, it's academic, for some it's going to be experiential. So now remember what we've done already. Add to this, please make sure you've drank some water before you begin this process if you haven't done so please grab some now, please make sure also, that you've done what you need to in terms of any inner dialogue that's very important to the collarbone, breathing. Remember, that's always something you should do before doing any trauma work.

And then of course, if you have a trauma list, remember, I urge you to put that age and trauma list together. And again, I'm hoping it's only one instant but for a lot of people, there's many of them, identify the trauma you wish to work on. And again, it may be the earliest one that you can remember because we want to try and collapse that high rise of discomfort and distress that goes along with those things. And of course, our ultimate goal is to clean clear and help a person come into the now by not having to drag this with them. And that can be at the bottom of a lot of people have addictions obsessions, compulsions fears, phobias and anxieties. So we're hoping it will do a lot of things.

But the other thing is, it's likely, if you're traumatized or shocked as a very young person, what you're actually doing. And the reason I call it an inner child reclamation, as well as adult self reclamation, is you're going to be working on bringing that young part of you into the present. And being cognizant of surviving, remember the inner dialogue, and therefore able to move on clean and clear with the knowledge that you have today as the adult you are today. And if it was a trauma or shock as an adult, then you're bringing that part of you into the present. Remember, we have found ways to compartmentalize this stuff, to lock it back inside to hold on to those energy packets in series and we discussed that smoking, about drinking about dragging and about mood altering. So let's get ready for the exercise itself.

So I would ask you to do in your mind's eye. First off, become aware of the image the memory as you see it. Remember, we've established that at this point, it is stuck and frozen, which means it's a shock, which means there's a state of helplessness or hopelessness. So I'm going to be asking you, as we did, even in the simplistic one to take your hands, cut them around your ears, if you would. Remember, this image has remained frozen in time, so to speak, you've done this pose before you've done the neurological disorganization before in terms of making sure that you did the collarbone breathing, you've had water so you should be prepped and ready. Now, if you are someone who is worried about processing this, or reminded that I did say to you very early on about safety, looking after yourself, maybe letting someone know you're going to be doing this type of work.

So I'm assuming you've put have things in place so that you can take the time right now to safely do this work. Meaning that no one's going to interfere during the course of this that you've given yourself private time in which to do this. Okay? So let me help you move through this right now. So when you're ready to, and again, if you're a practitioner, just sit back, observe, make notes, whatever you need to do, but it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to go through the process and just see what it would feel like without necessarily tuning into an image. So take your hands please cut them around is allow yourself to observe the image.

And I would ask you to close your eyes. I'll be doing this with you. But of course, my eyes will be open at different times to make sure that I'm staying on track with where we need to be rather than my getting involved too much in my own stuff here even though I work through any of my own traumas by using this sort of stuff. as well and by using it on a regular basis, if something happens, it cleans and clears in the moment. So when you're ready to give yourself permission now, to tune in, close your eyes, observe that particular image in which you feel stuck or trapped. And when you're ready to as the adult you are today, or the more grown up self that you are today, if you're a younger person, what I'm going to ask you to do is put your attention on that image and see if you can see yourself as you were at that time, allow yourself to tune in, check the image and see if you can see yourself as you were stuck trapped in that particular image.

And then I'm going to ask you to trust yourself now as the adult or more grown up self that you are today to do what you Need to safely and lovingly, in order for that younger part of you to be able to recognize who you are, you may want to put an arm around the shoulder give a hug holder, the hand of that younger part of you, or just be alongside them. whatever is comfortable for that part of you and just be aware of when that part of you knows it's your grown up self. I can show you are breathing fully and deeply at the same time from the diaphragm. Again, just make sure that that younger part of you are less grown up part of you is aware that you are the more at So coming back in time, regardless as to what is happening in the scene.

Do not put your attention necessarily on anyone else or anything else in the scene but allow your focus to be on that part of you that is stuck and trapped in time. And gently, lovingly, safely. Do what you need to do now. In order to bring that part of you away from that place, whether it's outside or in a home in a room, please bring that part of you with you, in my wish to carry that part piggyback upon hold hands a walk alongside whatever that part of you is comfortable with. And trust yourself to do what you need to, to leave that place that room or wherever it may be, and that time Bring that part of you into a present place of safety directly into your own heart. taking more time in, just become fully aware of when that part of you is safely with you in the present in that loving place inside your heart reconnected when you know that that part is safely with you and away from that place, I'm going to ask that you inside using whatever words you're comfortable with.

Please let that part of you know that they've never been forgotten. But you've had to wait to get to a safe place in time in order to come back for them now inside as well that they are loved by you unconditionally. And then over time, I'll have access to all of your wisdom, knowledge and experience to the present time. And then over time, they'll also be able to see things as they are today through your present lens through your eyes and in order for them to fully recognize They are no longer stuck in time and safely with you. Just do what you need to safely and lovingly in order for that part of you to become fully aware of the adult body in which you presently reside. So they can see and feel the adult body that they're in today.

And when they aware are aware of that, just let them know that over time that a pace that is safe and healthy for you, they'll be able to release to you and through you. Whatever they need to in order to fully heal over time, if there's other things Need to Know understand or process that they can do that through you and with you at a pace that is safe and healthy for you. I'm going to ask now that when you're ready to take a moment inside to just feel how good it is to have that part of you reconnected. No longer stuck or frozen in time. Back in that loving place and allow yourself to just enjoy their presence inside. Feel how good it is no longer dissociated, disconnected compartmentalize, but freely living fully connected with who you are today with the adult self.

With all of the choices and wisdom, experience and knowledge that you have today, just take what time you need right now to fully enjoy and embrace that. And I'm going to assume at this time that you've done some and knowing that you can return to that part at any time and that part can come through you at any time to provide you with whatever you may need in order to continue collapsing, cleaning and clearing any further disturbances or traumas or shocks. What I'm going to ask you to do now so that you can Fully clear everything around that memory is allow yourself once it's now completed. To go back to this position where you've cut the hands around the ears, allow yourself to see that original memory, that original scene once again. So in other words, you've got there and kept around the years you close your eyes, you put your attention on that original memory as you first looked at it.

And now allow yourself to breathe fully and deeply. Take two fingers either side of the bridge of the nose, beginning of the eyebrows, and allow yourself to tap as you stay focused on that image. Breathing fully and deeply. giving permission for that image to just disintegrate to take off to dissipate into nothingness to be broken up into millions of particles. And you can tap the sides of the eyes as you do that to move to the next phase of tapping the sides of the eyes, and then after about five to 10 seconds just to go to underneath the eyes, cleaning, clearing and releasing. And once you've done that, just allow yourself to rest your hands and check the image.

And notice what has happened. My hope is that you will have noticed that that image itself is now dissipated taken off, filtered away. And this is the process that I would urge you to consider when you've got those stuck, deeply frozen moments that you give yourself permission to do the inner child reclamation if it was at a very young age or the adult self reclamation if it was just a short while ago in your adult life. So I want to thank you very much for your courage in review. And I, I hope that you feel okay remember this stuff we've, you've let go of some of these energy packets that have been living there. And sometimes when people do this particular one, they can feel very tired fatigue.

Some people have said to me, they feel like they've run a marathon because it's literally light in the map, but there's been the popping or releasing of that balloon of energy. So if you do feel very fatigued after a while, please allow yourself to rest. Please thank yourself for going through this exercise or if you've made notes about it at some point when you feel safe enough to do this. I urge you to honor yourself by going through this process. And I hope you will find that it's dissipated not only in the feelings, but the images and that you feel truly lightened.

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