This is Roscommon raw again with lesson number 23 college admission timelines. In this lesson we will learn about the various milestones and activities on the college admissions timeline. This is a chart that shows your activities for the 11th and 12th grades the summer leading to the 11th grade and the summer leading to the 12th grade. leading to the 11th grade you will start preparing for the PSAT and the National Merit Scholarship qualifying test. You will take that exam in October and you will try to take the psats for the first time within a few weeks of the PSAT This way of fresh coming off the test. If you're taking AP courses, you will start preparing for the AP exams which are held in May.
And you will also sign up for SAT Subject Tests, especially those that are taking as AP courses. It is a good idea to repeat your SAP or AC t in March when you are not quite that busy. In early May or early June, you will take the subject SAP tasks and in May you will take the AP exams. This does not apply to IB students. As you come to the end of your junior year, you will request your counselor and teachers for recommendations. And because you already have your a CT or a CT scores, you're able to narrow down your college selections.
It will start planning your college visits and you will start taking a couple of road trips. If you must take the PSAT or a CT a third time, you will do so in the September lower timeframe of your 12th grade. There are more tests you will prepare for and take but the sad two Subject Tests ought to be fewer in number in the 12th grade. Meanwhile, before you enter the 12th grade, you would have completed your field of study and college selection steps. Your final list of colleges should now be ready. You would complete your applications and the FAFSA forms and you will start applying to external scholarships.
Decide if you're applying early, EA or regular admission. Finally, receive admissions decisions from colleges and pay your deposits to lock in on your favorite school. Remember that 12th grade AP exams do not count for college admissions decisions. Because college admissions decisions would already have been made by the time the AP scores come out. However, they will still help you earn college credits where applicable. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.
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