This is Ross Come on draw again with lesson number four elite colleges. The brand name or reputation of your target school matters a lot because you can carry that brand with you for the rest of your career. But school reputation is earned over generations and decades of hard work and accomplishment. The Ivy League is a sports conference of eight well known schools, and these are known for excellence in education. Luckily, we don't have to look too far to find reputed colleges and universities. We hear about them often or read about them in the media.
If you are lucky enough to get into the schools, companies government from across the country indeed from around the world would be eager to hire you. The Nobel institutions which colleges have produced the most Nobel winners, Harvard tops the list of 34 Nobel prizes. Stanford 22 mit 19 Berkeley 18 Caltech 17, the University of Chicago 17. Columbia 17. Did you notice something interesting about these eight famous institutions? Only the University of California at Berkeley is a public school.
The remaining seven are all private colleges. Does that mean that private institutions alone are worthy of world class research? Not at all. We just listed the top eight schools which currently have Nobel winners working at these institutions. A Broader measures to measure the Novell pedigree would be affiliations, which includes researchers who are somehow involved with the university. Maybe they earned a degree there, or maybe they won't start there, or they're now visiting for research.
By this measure, many public universities have impressive Nobel pedigrees, including the following schools. So the key takeaways are elite universities and colleges are simply not places associated with Nobel winners. They're known to be outstanding Institute Overall, earning the reputation in teaching academics and research over decades, in some cases, centuries of hard work and accomplishment. They're extremely selective, rejecting the majority of student applications they get. It takes a lot of planning hard work, dedication, and focus to get into an elite institution. But once in your chances of a bright future are very high.
We will spend a lot of time in this course to discuss how you can better plan and prepare to apply elite institutions. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you.