When I'm drawing as you might, so I'm not using levels I'm using always groups. So I always group up the element. And that is great for me when it comes to animation, and they tell you in a second why I select and applicate my little guy, my little Knight, and I take out all the elements, part two part, I take it apart. Here I have the sword. Here I have the feather. It could be that it's together with the helmet, but I want to animate it separately.
So I take apart everything I want to animate separately. I don't take away the shine into another group, because it will always move together with the helmet. But that is why I also move to the visor away because I want it to go up and down where my cursor is moving and fighting. So it needs to be a different Sprite. Okay. Same with this.
Same with this lower arm sword. The sword and lower arm can go together. It's up to you. I remove it because sometimes maybe you don't have the sword. The upper arm and the shoulder I take us one the body and this lower part of the body I take us one. So this one's I group up another, another, another leg.
Okay, now it looks like an unknown mess so I make some order. Alright, these are my objects. Here is a mistake you can make. If objects are too close to each other make, take care that they are not in each other's selection. So, okay, because I can export each element with the with the transparent background, if I export this triangle like this, it's gonna have a piece of this one. So just make it separate.
So now I have all of my elements. As I said before, this is a vector program. And it's awesome because I don't have to care much about the sizing, but I set the size appropriately for my corrector before, what I do now is I export each of the elements red, getting ready to animate it. These are at least, I don't know, 15 elements. Exporting each of them again and again, can be boring. And this is not even a complex character.
It's a very, very simple. So here's the trick I use in Inkscape. To do it very, very fast. I select one element, right click And I pull up Object Properties. You see it has an ID, each object has an ID. I change the ID to helmet, and I set it.
So it's already called helmet. I changed the ID sword and I set it. I change this to front arm and I set it front hand. back arm. Could be read whatever, you can name it to your language, whatever you want, really. You can use numbers I like to give names because I know what is what So later on is on what is what?
And it's called the torso. The chest. Back, leg. back feet. front leg. front feet.
I know it's food but anyway okay, I didn't have any food. What else I need? I need this one. This one is the header federal Okay, but top bottom. All right, now I have all the elements and I have here a picture of the night. What I want to do is I go to File, Export PNG image, and I will use transparent background PNGs in my animation software.
Now I could export each of them into my night animation folder. So, as I said before, prepare a folder for your animation assets. I could export export export, what what I really love about Inkscape is that I select everything I want. And I also select a group image of my night drawing I will tell you later on why do this as well. Same size is the same drawing. And now I have 16 selected objects and I click batch export by To export means it will export each of the elements in the same folder where my file is my night SVG file, so I just hit export and all of them are exported.
They are in that folder. So this is what I see when I open the folder, everything there in the size I want in the with the name I want. And I have also an unnamed It's my mistake, but okay, and unnamed picture about the night how I want everything assembled. This will help me to put the corruptor together in dragonballs. So now I have everything exported, and it's perfect. And now I just go into dragon bows import, put the characters together and finally get into animation.
Okay, see you there.