Module Three brainstorming. The most important part of any event is planning and organizing. In this section we will discuss some of the different items that need to be planned. many aspects of an event need to be thoughtfully planned. When planning you have to determine the purpose and theme of the event, determining the date when the event will be held as important. In addition, different ideas should be considered for event activities and decor.
These are just a few items that need to go on your planning list, but many more aspects of an event that require planning. Determine the events purpose, the purpose of an event is crucial and can make or break any event. The purpose of the event is what makes the attendee wants to come. The other aspects of the event are icing on the cake, but the purpose is the foundation of it. If you were throwing a charity event then your job is easy. The purpose would be to either raise money or raise awareness.
If you are having a seminar then you just need to decide what topic the participants will be discussing. If it were a holiday party it would be for the holiday you want to celebrate. Of course, other event purposes could be applicable like major life events, employee recognition and award ceremonies just to name a few. determine a theme. A theme of an event is the specific subject or idea on which the design of it is based. The theme can make those who are on the fence about coming to an event jump in.
A theme could be a color, a movie or anything else that you want to use to create the ambience. A great theme can really boost attendance and excitement for an event. An event can have just one theme or multiple themes can be combined. An example of this would be purple space pirates. branded that isn't a great theme, but it is interesting. Here are a few theme ideas.
Carnival or circus, Winter Wonderland. I love the 80s Vegas or casino glamour, contrary Western sports Victorian elegance Ellis In Wonderland, raft, DIY party, purple party. Write down and review ideas. Now is the fun part creating ideas. At this time you should know your purpose and your theme. Now you can start coming up with your ideas.
So what ideas do you need to write down? At this phase you can write down ideas about activities, decorating entertainment and food. This is not the time to decide everything you want to happen at the event and finalize it. This is the time when you brainstorm all of your ideas. be as creative as possible. brainstorming with others can help in this process.
After you have gotten all of your ideas out, it's time to edit them. You will start cutting the list until you have a cohesive and attainable list of ideas for the event. When you are cutting these ideas, you want to consider your estimated budget and consider your timeframe. If you only have three weeks to plan an event, you probably are not going to be able to get engraved napkins. In that same way if you have a budget of $30, an isotope Sure is out of the question. determine a date.
Determining a date can be tricky because there are multiple things to consider. You want to give yourself enough time to reach all of your planning goals, but not so much time that everyone forgets about the event. He wants to schedule it on a day that is accessible to as many people as possible. Most events are held on weekends. When planning the date, it is advisable to avoid holidays because most people want to spend that time with their families. You also want the timeframe to be appropriate for the event.
If you were hosting a formal dinner, eight o'clock would be a better time than five o'clock. by eight o'clock the adults have had time to get off work, get ready and make arrangements for their children if necessary. The whole premise here is that you are selecting a date and time that maximizes the number of attendees. There is no point in having an event if no one is there to see it.