So, we've got our reason why we're thinking about what we want to do. But we need to validate that reason why. So, the first thing we want to think about is what is our motivation? Or what are we moving away from? What are we moving towards? Why do we want to change?
So are we moving away from a negative situation that happened? Maybe we're moving towards a positive scenario that's driven by our high level business objectives. Is this a knee jerk reaction? Are we doing something here that we haven't really thought about? is it part of a long term plan, and what can often happens is if it's a knee jerk reaction, the project will not be sustainable over a long period of time. But it is built into a long term plan and part of the higher level business objectives.
Were much more likely to have organizational buy in and find a success. But actually looking for. So how can we do that? Well, we might want to take some self coaching questions. What I recommend you do is download the self coaching questions which are a resource in this course. Ask yourself each question and write down those answers.
But just practice creating a reason why. So, in your own business now, think of a reason why you might want to change a part of your culture. And we're going to show you the form a news app. Now remember, if you struggle to get clarity, you will really need to think about the project's viability. So let's have a look at some example question. So what is the reason I'm choosing to work on this particular culture change?
Which of the seven ways Am I targeting remember? That's Tim Woods what Other reasons might be to work on this. How might this change add value to the product or service? Which current business goals and objectives? Does this project support and relate to? How will the project support your high level business objectives?
What is the current cost of the business in pounds or dollars, etc, of doing the things away? You're doing them? And whatever costs are there to the business? What is the opportunity? How much could you save by changing it? And what is the payback?
What's the difference between the current cost and the potential opportunity? It's really important that you go through this because if at any of these stages, you find yourself struggling to find some clarity for these answers. That is an indicator that you don't have a clear articulated reason why you want to do this. And that's going to be really important long term to maintain a clear reason why, and also would come back to organizational buy. And we have to be very clear if this is a project you're proposing to your organization, we have to have a very, very clear reason why we're doing this particular project. If we don't, it will lose its traction over time, and it will become expendable.
So what we might want to do here is create a company mission statement, we create a concise, clear mission statement that states the goals of the business and the business level objective that this is linked to. You could create a SMART goal here and we'll be doing that later on. But the project itself, but what we're typically do would advise you do is share this on Your company intranet specific project page. Now, the intranet we're going to use now is one we've created for these courses. We also have a course showing you how to create this intranet using Google Sites, completely free software. But other than the price have taken the course itself, there is no cost for you to actually build an intranet like this for your organization.
Now, when you do build it, we'll show you how to do it for free, it does work slightly better. If you're a larger organization, and you are using the Google business apps functionality or Google for Work, whatever it's called these days, they change it every other week, it seems to me so have a look at that. And, you know, this is a really good way of creating a project management dashboard. And we're going to use this as our example to show you how we would implement and track the product. As we move along, that's going to have a look at that. Here's our company intranet.
Project management dashboard, we're going to go to our business projects. And we're going to go to our culture change project. Obviously the process improvement and the training your staff projects. They're detailed in the other courses, they have a pro Peck Business Improvement courses that are available, though, if at any time you want to check those out, go to the last lecture in this course. And you will see a special offer for students where you can access these other courses and save yourself some money on the normal listed price. So make sure you check out that last lecture.
What we want to look at here however, is we want to go to Kota change project. And we can see we've got business level objective listed on the page. So let's have a look at that. So here's our business level objective. We stressed it now. So it's a culture change project.
We want to move towards a culture of self sustaining business improvement and move away from a culture firefighting. Now, this is a manufacturing company. But we can use this for any type of company. The key objectives we're trying to achieve is waste reduction, increase efficiency, increased innovation, and motivated workforce and internal buy in for Team involvement with increased profitability. Now, this is a business level objective, we might want to create a SMART goal just for this and make this a little bit more specific and a little bit more targeted. But we're going to create a SMART goal for this project in a moment that we can link back to business level objective with our SMART goal.
But this just helps us having this on the internet page helps us keep focused about what we're actually trying to achieve.