Implementing And Reviewing Your Project

8 minutes
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So in terms of implementing your project, what are the mechanisms? Well, again, these are going to sound fairly bland, but it's how you go about doing these things will really determine the success of your project. So the senior team needs to be involved in working group meetings. So if you're in your plan, you identified that you need to have a working group meetings where members of the team get together to identify how much we're doing and how much we're changing, then some of the senior team need to be involved in that, or in those meetings, track against the plan. So if you're expecting training to be completed by the 31st, or whatever, then make sure that you identify when there's issues with that, and think about the implications for the project. So you're tracking it just like you would any other project.

The issues log just like any other project to drive actions, so make sure you That you've got a good mechanism for identifying those issues, and actually do something about them when you see them. Don't forget to organize and support the training. So again, make sure that training is supported. Before people go on any training, make sure they know why they're going, make sure they know how it relates to this call to change that as a business you're trying to achieve. After the training, make sure that managers talk to members of the team who've been on the training and actually support changes of behavior from that. Yep, do ongoing measures as you implement the project to see where you're up to.

Again, don't worry that sometimes things may stall a little bit and it takes time to get these things working. So you're not necessarily going to see massive improvement straightaway. And what you might see is kind of fairly impressive improvement initially. And then it will tail off a little bit as People start to get used to it and the sort of novelty factor wears off. So just be aware that you're likely to see that but measure it so that you know how it's going, and what sort of things you should be looking for. have ongoing communication so that everybody knows the state of the project and what's happening.

Continues continue to demonstrate your commitment as senior managers on this call to change. So everybody knows that you still mean it. It's not something that you've forgotten about. It's one of the things a lot of our businesses that we work with. People sort of say to us when we first start, we've done this sort of thing before, you know, it's the flavor of the month for a while, we need to make sure we absolutely nip that in the bud. So implement any processes that might be required that we identified and try to develop good habits.

So if we want a weekly meeting where we talk about health and safety or we identify provement opportunities, and we need to make sure we're really clear that that has to happen. And unless something really serious happens, that's always going to happen, develop good habits. And then it starts to become something everybody does. Don't panic. And there will be times when you start to think, how well are we doing and it does take time. You may take a couple of steps backwards every now and again, and start to feel that things are not quite going your way.

Regroup, think about it. Think about how you can change it. So observe and respond. It's very unlikely that everything will go exactly how you planned. So you need some thought around how you can respond to difficulties and problems you might have. This is where people like us can help because we can sometimes go in and help to identify some things you might be able to do.

An outside view can sometimes be useful. And of course don't forget to reaffirm your commitment as manager To this process. So where are we up to? Well, we've we've really got very close to the end now. So we're on the implementation part of this. So we've implemented, we've done workshops, we've had training sessions, we've got coaching, we've put the normal control mechanisms in any projects in place.

We're tracking it with our Gantt chart, and we've got the changes in place that we've asked for. We're continuing to measure. We're also we're also continuing to listen to the workforce, about changes that are happening and some of the issues because there will be issues as we go through, and we're trying to create habits. Let's have a look at the final session, which is review. So what do you need to do for the review? Well, of course, you're going to measure how are you going to measure your measure will be based around the goals that you set early on in the project.

So in our third step of the project, which is the buying gold go back to that, we'll say, right? What did we want? What was the vision we asked for? How are we going to measure that. And you just go back and you see that. Now there could be some real hard measures involved there.

So it could be numbers of interventions, if you like, it could be number of near misses, if it's health and safety, it could be a number of new ideas that have been put forward. It's about coming up with ideas. It could be the value of improvement that's come about through people coming up with ideas and implementing those changes. So look for ways you can measure that but you need to identify those before now. So make sure those measures are in place before you get to the end. Because then you can just use the measure the improvement that you've been looking for.

Get feedback from the teams from the workforce, and also of course feedback to the organization about how the project has gone so far, because this is never ending. This is a continual effort to try and maintain the culture that you're looking for reappraise? Is it where we want to be? Is there some more to go? Do we want to improve still further? Or do we now need to look at something else that also needs attention?

Reflect? Of course, listen, continue to communicate, and check for more reason why. So can we improve our culture? So further? Do we need to go around that continuous improvement process again? Or do we turn our attention to something else, making sure that the gains that we've made are not lost?

So how do we make sure that the things that we've put in place continue? So going back to our examples, and our pattern book manufacturer that we had the privilege of working with? This was the testimonial at the The end of that which was really the employee engagement and participation exceeded the expectations. And they have this conveyor belt of fresh ideas and small teams forming as they're working through reducing waste. And the great news about that was that the business did it themselves. So it's really nice to see that happening.

Just part of the testimonial from john, Dr. Ito relates specifically to the culture change that they were looking for, which was about interventions in terms of really gone from strength to strength. Now, of course, they'll be numbers that are associated with these things like how many interventions, how many projects have been started, but ultimately, it's about that improvement that was identified at the beginning. Okay, so we're at the end of our improvement process program. So as you can see, we've gone through identifying why you want to make the change. Do In your current state analysis of your current culture, defining what sort of culture you want, identifying what you're going to need in order to influence and change the culture, implement those changes, implement those actions, and review and see whether you can do anything else or any more changes that you might want to make.

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