You'll notice that we often refer to the bender ball in our program. We call this the little ball that does it all. It's a fabulous tool that is completely documented and research to help improve our core stability postural work, we do exercises for our legs as well. Basically a full body workout that we use in the full men my back program. This tool I use every single day, I actually keep it on my desk chair. I sometimes sit on it cross legged on my chair while I'm working at my computer, other times, keeping it behind my spine against the back of the chair so that I'm sitting nice and tall, maintaining good posture when I'm in a seated position.
So you could refer to the link that you'll find here below on our men buyback in our shop get one of these fabulous little balls for yourself, either for your desk chair for different lifestyle activities that we're going to use it for in this program, or for the exercises that we show later in the full men my back program to strengthen your core and all your postural muscles. I think you'll love it too.