Your spirituality is represented by your soul level. This level refers to who you truly are in your core essence and is the home base of your highest level of consciousness.
Giving meaning to your life, vision, passion, and living from your true self are related to the spiritual level. So on this level, you can answer the greater life questions, like “what’s my mission this lifetime, what gives my life meaning?” Questioning yourself about what truly is important to you in this lifetime, enables you to get to the core and discover your true drive. Because your creativity, insight, and intuitive abilities are strongly connected with your spiritual body and bring unconditional love into your life. In other words: your spiritual level is your inner power source with which you can accomplish your true core desires.
As clearly present as the physical body is since you can perceive your body, as hidden is the spiritual body. It will only become visible if you practice consciousness development. What the spiritual body is hiding exactly, can only be discovered by opening yourself up to its full spectrum. This spectrum exists out of memories and experiences to which certain feelings are attached. As well as old pains and the patterns and mechanisms that you created. When you’re able to find, acknowledge, accept and release them (when necessary), implies that you have a very high level of consciousness and it enables you to find true happiness. Living from your core essence is actually nothing more than loving yourself and others unconditionally, being independent and free of judgment.
When you have a high level of consciousness, it’s easier to discover your spiritual body. But, as mentioned before, opening up to your spiritual body is already a very big step in remembering the loving creature that resides within you. Learning how to deal with present and past pain as well as trauma can support you in becoming happier. The same goes for breaking through thought patterns, belief systems, and survival mechanisms. In the next exercise we’ll show you how you can do this by letting you see, hear and feel it:
Watch this video to learn how to release old pains and survival mechanisms: