You’re now halfway through the online course Holistic Nourishment. Before you continue, watch the video:
The emotional level is the level of your feelings. How you recognize and implement them, how you deal with stress, how you approach your relationships, collaborate with others, and how you deal with attention and appreciation are all examples that have to do with the emotional level. This level regulates your social sensitivity, contains your empathic abilities, how you communicate with others and how you treat others. It’s the bearer of your feelings, your emotions, and your personal characteristics.
You also store your unresolved emotions, traumas, fears, and anger on this level. A lack of confidence, feelings of loneliness, and rejection are stored here as well. Your emotional development is very important because eventually, it determines what you can handle emotion-wise. Being conscious of your feelings and everything else that relates to this level is of the utmost importance. Unresolved emotions can influence you for a very long time, with all its consequences: spiritual and physical instability, also known as getting sick.
So showing your emotions is actually very important to tackle all sorts of issues. When you’re sad, it can be a big relief to just cry it out. That’s how you can release the emotion and you’ll no longer be bothered by it, at least for that moment. The same applies to feeling happy. You can show that, for instance, by singing out loud, laughing, or dancing. Showing positive feelings is for many people much easier than showing negative ones. Because, when you show that you’re afraid, you’re showing your vulnerability. But, the moment you realize that showing your vulnerability actually makes you stronger, dealing with your emotions becomes easier. What the other thinks of you isn’t your concern: it’s all about your health and happiness.
Some feelings actually are so intense and painful that some people prefer to suppress them, to ignore them so they can pretend as if they don’t exist. Exactly this is an endangerment for your well-being, because everything you suppress, is still present in your body. It’ll only disappear when you work through it. The only way to do so is by coming to terms with your pain and accepting its presence. Only then, you can liberate yourself from it. This process usually takes a long time and many people need professional help for it. The emotional body is a complex whole of feelings that emerges because of triggers, experiences, and social contacts for instance. To be emotionally healthy and balanced and be conscious of your feelings is of the utmost importance. Where can I find them, why are they there and how can I deal with them?
Practice the visualization exercise ‘Holistic nourishment module 4’. This visualization lets you observe your emotions from a distance and makes you aware of the fact that you have them (but aren’t defined by them). Use this link to watch the video:
The Sedona method
The moment you start becoming conscious of your emotional body, you can also learn how to release those emotions you no longer want to hold on to. A very efThe Sedona methodfective method to help you with this is the Sedona method. This method has been created by Hale Dwoskin* and focuses on releasing negative emotions. Simply put, the Sedona method acts the same as when you peal off an onion: layers are being removed one by one which will eventually reveal the core. With every layer, you yourself or your counselor ask you questions so you can direct your attention to what you are feeling. By questioning and feeling what you’re experiencing emotionally, step by step, you enable yourself to release what no longer serves you.
It’s a very effective method to improve your health on various levels.