In this lesson video, we are going to finalize our illustration by adding details, color variations, and also textures. Now before we do anything, if you remember our previous project where we draw a scowl, we created a dedicated layer for adding highlight colors. Usually I add highlights before adding details, but because we don't have anything glossy or shiny in our growing such as metal or glass or oily surface, etc, I need to skip the highlight process. Now if you do have glassy surfaces inside your drawing, or perhaps you want to exaggerate the glossy effects in your drawing, you may want to add highlights. The process is similar with how we add highlights in the sculpt project before just to give you an example, we can create a new layer on top of the shading layer Rename it to h four highlight, turn on alpha inheritance and change the Blending Mode to Screen.
Just like before we can create selection. Pick our airbrush preset, hold CTRL and click in here to pick the color, then press L twice to select much brighter color, and press I several times to turn down the brush opacity to 50% and just add several brush strokes and make the center area brighter. Then we can clear the selection and smooth out the colors. It is just business as usual. So again, if you want to add highlights, there is how you do it. For me, I won't be using any highlights in these three illustration.
So I'll just delete this layer and move on to detailing process. Previously, we add detail directly on the base color layer. Now we are going to explore a different way of doing it, which is basically using a dedicated layer for details. So inside our bar and click group layer, let's create a new layer on top of the base color layer, rename it to D for details, and let's turn on alpha inheritance option. for blending mode, we only need the default normal blending mode, so we don't need to change anything. Okay, now let's say we want to add Moses in the tree roots, we can pick the grass color from the color history if the color is still in there, or we can hide these two layers.
So the real grass color is refilled. Hold CTRL and click to sample the color. turn these layers back on. Okay, to create the muscles. We can use two different methods depending on the style you want to achieve. The first method is by using selection.
And the second method is by using special brushes. The first method is essentially the same with what we have been doing, create selection and then use the brush tool. Okay, the next method is using specialized brushes that use custom brush tips. We can try to find a brush that has most like shape. Let's take this brush for example. And just brush away like this.
The brush detects our pen pressure. If we press hard, it will use large brush size and if we press lightly it will use smaller brush size. I'll speed up the video for now. I am adding Moses also on a cliff rocks now I am adding cracks on the rocks. The process is identical with how we add cracks in a style project previously. Let's add color variations on the grass and the leaves, just like before, first create a new layer on top of the base color layer, rename it to D and turn on alpha inheritance just leave the Blending Mode to Normal.
Okay, we want to add yellowish color on some area inside the grass color region. We can simply use the airbrush preset to colorize the area like this or we can also use the selection tool for us to create more unique shapes. And then color it with the airbrush preset and then blurred the colors. I think I want to add another green color variation that is more towards the cyan color. I am adding color variation also for the leaves area. We can use the detail layer to add textures.
For example, let's pick a brush for adding texture to The grass area, we can use this brush or this brush also, let's just use this one. zoom in a bit and pick this color. I think this is too dark. We can reduce the brush opacity by hitting a letter key several times until we have 30% value. This should be enough. Let's pick yellowish color now.
Okay, for the leaves, we need to use a different brush that looks more like leaves. I think this brush should do it. Let's make this dark green color. As you can see, I am using a very low opacity around 10% Just brush like this several times. Essentially, the more we go to the light source direction, the brighter the color that we need to use. For the Rockliff texture, make sure we are in the correct layer, which is the D layer inside the bark and Cliff group layer.
Let's pick a brush. I think this one will do the job. And let's pick a dark gray color. I think this is too strong. Let's reduce the opacity to 30% and just add subtle rock textures like this. Okay, you can add texture also to the bar area, but I think the bar area is already too crowded.
This my personal taste. So I guess our three illustration is officially finished now