Addition to the floor oppression petition. Your right leg should be in front. Keep a conflict in bi, hold this position up to 20 seconds Please repeat A set of exercises for static stretch is more deeply and hold each position after 20 seconds Hold this position up to Carry on set of exercises for development of flexibility but exercise eight times stretches are the front of the repeat set of exercises eight times each Karen next time don't change preparation for this. Karen around laughs at Christ change locks up on sleeping down to the profession position and bleeding. Time position stating on the floor the next as much as possible at BART lane right After 10 sec called beat Preparation position sitting on the floor like as much as possible apart, guarantee pushes forward and the first time she has a position as extreme point three seconds Position sitting on the floor, the legs as much as possible apart, please bend forward and hold this position up to start the second dance to the floor.