We've seen the dragon is very accurate comma, but it is not yet 100% perfect comma. So proofreading is important exclamation mark new line. Most people comma, myself included comma, don't proofread properly comma, they skim read full stop. my thought process is that I've just written this text comma, so I know what it contains comma, and therefore I skim through it to get it finished quickly, full stop, new line. Dragon has a tool that will read your text out loud to you. And hearing it read in this way, has been shown to help you pick up more areas with text than you would do just by reading it back yourself.
Full stop, new line. This technique also works if you type your documents and is particularly useful. If you are dyslexic. Full stop you line. This is a very quick example of Dragon proofreading my text new line select the text you wish to proofread with the mouse. Click audio on the dragon bar then click read that text.
Please note that I clicked in the document with my mouse once the reading had finished full stop. This is because the text is still selected. And if you now start dictating again comma, it will be overwritten exclamation mark new line. Sometimes comma, the screen reader will not pronounce words correctly, comma, but it is still very helpful. exclamation mark new line. You can also do this with your voice, exclamation mark.
Select line. read that. Go to end of line, new line. Also comma. You can dictate some text comma. And for instant feedback, comma, pause and say read that