We have already seen that if you use the correct command for words or phrases that dragon doesn't recognize comma, you will add these words to the vocabulary comma. And this will continually improve the way that it works dash. This is your first key command, exclamation mark new line. There are two other techniques worth looking at here dot dot dot you line. I'm going to use the phrase health and safety as an example, dot dot dot new line. to dictate this with Dragon comma, you can say new line cap health and sign cap safety or new line cap health ampersand cap safety new line this is okay if you only use this phrase once or twice, comma But if it is commonly used comma, it is much easier to say health and safety new line and dragon will do this for us exclamation mark.
I'm going to turn off my mic and walk through what you will need to do to add this phrase to your vocabulary dot dot dot. Please click vocabulary on the dragon bar. Then click open vocabulary editor. You can now scroll through and see what is included in the tracking vocabulary if you wish to add a new phrase please type or dictate health and safety into the search box. Then, click Add We have described how dragon is going to write this race for us. Now please tap through to the spoken form box and type or dictate health and safety.
This is how you will say the phrase. Now click Add. You can now see your phrase marked with a red flag. This shows that it has been added manually. Please click close are usually find that this new phrase will work as soon as I use it, comma, but occasionally comma, Dragon needs to be reloaded for it to work, comma, almost as if this reloads the vocabulary for you. Full stop new line Health and Safety newline you can see that this is now formatted exactly as I want it.
Full stop new line. Please ensure that you close dragon down when you have finished using it comma to ensure that your new vocabulary is saved exclamation mark.