Hello, in this video we are going to look at packin widgets, you could do it with a row to do a column, and you do along the main axis, not the cross axis, just the main axis. So I've got a container here with some icons. And I've set the background color to red to be any color, but it just helps demonstrate the what it is. So we've got this five star icon and then the rest of the row is red because that's what the rest of the road is. But if we want to restrict the size of the row to just the amount of content that's in there, we can put main sorry, nine mentoring row, four main axis OIS, main axis men. And now as you can see, it's restricted to just the amount of space that's required.
That's the same principle for the column. If we put main axis Max, it will take as much as it possibly can, relative to the other content on there. And honestly, that's all there is that you need to know if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message and as usual, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.