Hello, in this video, I am going to show you how to implement a circular progress indicator. So if we go to a linear progress indicator implemented right here, that which is source does provide some progress user, maybe your downloads in the fall, which you fall for fall too low. Maybe you're implemented in the background, like it's a game, you're building something and you have a progress of that you may be making some sort of fortnight give me a little progress while you're building, for example. And this is great for that the linear progress indicator is another way of indicating circular progress indicator, it, you know, uses a lot less space. So you could just sort of plunk it in a corner or grab multiple of them and they look a little better, especially on you know, multiple roles. Maybe you're, you know, making this new downloading application.
I can download multiple files. And on each row, it says the phone name, he says not made false and then give you some progress. I think the circular progress indicator is great for that. I'm going to get rid of this one to show you what the linear progress indicator look like a separate video covering that. So I recommend that you check that out. To implement a circular progress indicator.
It's simply this two circular circular progress indicator. And in here, we can do a value. So let's do if we do a value of 90 you don't want to do the color. Now Yeah, the value as you can see, this is 90, but we don't really have any color. So let's you know, implement a color so we're gonna say a to say background color into colors dot cyan color, see what we get so far. And now What we want to do actually let me Sorry, the value 0.9 crease between zero and one reason he wasn't there we go.
So we got a background color instead of let's actually implement the value color so it's not the background color we're introducing the valid color for this was going to say, always stop telling mention. Hola. Hello dog. Like said that his child with autism is hard to tell. So let's do something that's obviously different. You know blue is different, but let's say that as before I did 0.05 which is 5% I think he's a lot smaller for the two five which is 24 And the culture of it is filled up.
Really all there is more than we need to do as an active tap is actually two extra tasks is one. hook this up with a slider, you can check out the slider video, you know what slow does awful night improve them. So when you move slide left and right, this essentially will go up, Dan, also have another thing where maybe you click a button and animate from zero to 100% or maybe from 100 to zero percent, but animation videos so feel free to check them out. If you have any questions, though, feel free to drop me a message and as usual, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.