Welcome back, we're going to do now is we're going to take the things that we've learned and apply them to different stuff. So we can learn new stuff. By understanding this stuff we know already. Now we've played this a scale was started on the A string. Once there are 123 fingers, and then we went over to the E string and did the exact same thing. Right.
And that was great. We learned our first scale and we're doing a great job, we can do the same thing. If we start on a different string, let's say instead of using the second string and the first string, we're going to do the same fingers in the same spacing like we did before. We're going to start on the D string. So the D string is our third string 123. And if I played my open and then I played my Two goes in the same spot.
Three goes in the same spot. I move over to the eighth string, which is the second string. Then the first three and then go backwards. Everything except I'm starting on a different string ending on a difference. Now, since I started on a D string, it's a D note and I go from D then you sharp, G A B, C sharp then D. Once I get through those notes, I've successfully played a D major scale different than the a scale. We played the pay scale.
Now the D scale starting on the D string instead their D scale. Okay? So practice your D scale along with me. And we'll do it nice and slow so you can get the feel for it. And we'll use this as a as our lesson enter exercise. So it always goes three to one ready to go and then after go there's a pause, and then I lift my boat, my ball my violin up.
As soon as it comes down, we start to play. So 321 go Good job We'll see you in the next lesson.