Welcome back. And now we are in our lesson in which we talk about working with files in teams. Let's start and start your team is see we are in our testing in conversation step now. For example, I want to start a new conversation and I want to attach a file to my needs a colleague on the Add damage and here I can select the file for all recent files from my teams and channels. Let's have a look at it. See I have class materials, pictures, etc.
I can also upload from my computer Just logo and I can upload from one drive storage. One Drive is a Microsoft storage and its management system which is in office 365 package. For example, here I select Printer materials and for example I select some files. For example, I want to share a book and I want to upload a copy. Of course when we work with sharing files we upload a copy. Next we choose an upload location will it be general or for example class materials, I select class materials.
So that Upload file to eat and We see a green progress bar here, the files are rather large. So it takes some time. Now, if we switch to our files and the final step open class materials after sometime we can see our file is uploaded here. Please mentioned the message is not sent yet I can send. So, this is very important when we sent a file in a chart, it is stored and we can have access to these taught copy of a file and our files. Also, we can directly manage files, upload Delete the Files tab.
Here we can create any new file directly. For example, route document, Excel spreadsheet or PowerPoint presentation. Again, create a new folder for example, my folder and in my folder. For example, I create a Word document. For example, my doc and Microsoft Word Online is loaded and we can even edit my document here. edit my document if necessary, we can Share it all save locally.
Here in this storage, this file will be saved automatically. So you do not see an icon with a diskette safe. It's enough. So here we work with, for example, what if I close here was my file and I can give an access to eat or, for example, edited further, I can upload files. for uploading files. It's very easy.
For example, we can just open a local fault folder and drag and drop file here, just drag by pressing left button of the mouse and drag to these areas and you see One file is uploaded now and sometimes we can see it as for example, I have uploaded a PowerPoint presentation name teams for you. Oh, we can click upload and select files for example from a local compute. I want to select analysis package file. By the way, visit my course about analysis package in XM. And these files is uploaded. And finally we can open files in SharePoint.
Just click and here we can work with files, as well. Just Rate new folder or sand file itself. This window is opened in my local interaction. So obviously it's very simple to work with files in teams and finally, we can delete files. For example, if we expand by clicking three dots, we can move it to another location. For example, I want to move it to general folder.
Now this file is in general fault. And for example, I want to download it or to make a copy for example, I make a copy back to class materials. click Copy. Now, deems you demise presentation easily In the general folder and in the class materials folders, I can download it or rename, delete or for example, get a link. For example, I want to share this link with somebody, I get a link and insulted here and sent. Or I can also of course installed this link in an email for you.
And finally, I want to delete this file for all the class materials. I expand and delete current file. So this file is successfully deleted and we see the notification but it is still in another fault. So now you know how to work with files. You can try it yourself and ask questions. See you at our next lessons.