Welcome back. We are moving right along as we have been for a while now and we are on strategy seven attitudes and we are in technique eight, technique eight states trust your curiosity. It's still going along the vein of the ideas in the previous techniques and that's to trust yourself. Know yourself, engage the reader, trust your curiosity. If there's something that you want to learn about, a lot of times, it may make a good writing opportunity. Not always, but it's something to consider.
Your Enthusiasm comes through in your writing and your reader is more likely to engage in the piece as well. So trust your curiosity, an example of that, while similar to following your interests. When you find yourself curious about a topic, follow your instincts, the gut feeling that you have in here and investigate. Those instincts are usually leading us somewhere and follow in Write what has energy for you. And so when you're, you know curious about something, it might be a potential routing subject. It may not be, but follow your curiosities, and that's where a lot of people become experts on things self taught experts in many cases.
And so for technique seven, just remember to trust your curiosity. Trust your curiosity.