Hello, and welcome to strategy one under words. Technique number seven, limit the use of IMG verbs limit the use of IMG verbs. Once again there is nothing wrong with using IMG verbs in your writing and there's no rule that says don't use them. However, a lot of times they're overused in our writing. And I'm really bad about that I have to constantly guard my writing against going into IMG for for my tents. And so when you add IMG to a verb, it takes on a progressive form.
There is nothing ineffective in using some IMG verbs, but overuse can weigh down sentences and make such verbs look similar. It just makes all the all of your words start to seem very similar because they're all IMG verbs. Present tense is cleaner and simpler so you start to see a pattern here as well. Clean, simplicity, clarity, precision, all of those things are qualities of effective writing an example of something that could be changed suffering from the strain of the job. employees at work are starting to complain about the long hours and leaving the company for better positions. So we saw three IMG verbs in that sentence alone, and it does start to seem kind of repetitive and it lengthens the sentence and kind of thickens it unnecessarily.
A better wording correction and there may be others that you could use in a different format that would also be effective. Here's one better way of wording it. employees at the company suffer from strain on the job. They complain about the long hours and mini leave for better positions in that sentence. Regular present tense is used throughout and it snaps more, it flows better. It goes it ends quicker and you get the meaning in a simpler format.
So it's more streamlined. It's more compressed and the word economy is better. And so for technique eight, we'll get to that in just a moment. But for technique seven, just remember that you want to limit the use of IMG verbs and try to cut down on those as much as possible.