Hello, and welcome to strategy two sentences. In the last strategy we worked on the word level. And in this strategy we're going to build on that you can only see this whole class or this whole course as a scaffolding, or building a sequencing of different things. And you need the first one in order to establish the second one in order to establish the third one kind of like a geometry proof or something. But in this strategy, we have three techniques and they are actually in the explanation to strategy to strategy to simply states activate your sentences. Activate your sentences, and the explanation for that is to use active voice, prefer action verbs and limit your use of passive verbs.
Active forms and verbs streamline weak structures and clarify bagels. So when you use passive voice, for example, You are not sure what's being done to what and who's doing what, to whom or to what. And so it can get very unclear in terms of subjects and objects. But when it comes to using active voice, it's direct, it's strong, it activates your sentence just like the strategy suggests. So technique one is to use active voice. Once again, it is not an absolute rule.
In some situations, you may actually want to use passive voice if you want to emphasize something being done to someone for example, if someone is being victimized, using passive voice emphasizes that more, but in most cases you want to use active voice, active voice identifies what's being done to whom it activates your Senate's it makes it more action oriented. It streamlines it and it makes it more clear and precise of what's being done to whom and why. And so in terms of using active voice, the explanation states you Use active voice unless you're emphasizing the object of the action or there is no other way to express an idea. In some cases, you'll also find it difficult to express it in another way. And if that's the case, fine, don't worry about it. But keep in mind that usually there's a better way to word something in the active voice.
But passive voice often creates ambivalence and weakness. active voice clarify meaning clarifies meaning and strengthens tone. A good example here, a simple example the ball was caught by Samantha that emphasizes the ball instead of the action. And so a better way to activate the sentence would be to say, Samantha caught the ball, it's stronger, it's more precise, it's more streamlined, and the meaning is much more clear. And so that's an activated sentence. So for technique one, just remember as much as possible when possible, and when it's better use active voice