What is Meditation?

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There's an old adage, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got. Einstein said this a little bit more eloquently when he said that the consciousness that created the problem will be unable to solve it. Another way to think about it is a quote by Marshall McLuhan, who said, I don't know who discovered water, but I doubt it was a fish. Mindfulness entails trying to get the mind to look at the mind, right? To try to observe how the operating system is functioning. The way I like to think of it is that the brain is the hardware and the mind is the software.

And it becomes apparent fairly quickly that the mind has a mind of its own. We're all on autopilot most of the time. And meditation is a tool to read. boots are hard drives and give us some insight into how that operating system how that software is running. But telling someone to meditate to release or the best way to think about it is to dis identify with his or her thoughts is telling like someone to you know, go off autopilot. It's like telling someone to sneeze or sleep just like that.

It's the most difficult thing that you'll ever attempt. Because all of us the way I like to think of it are addicted to our personal identities. You know, the hamster wheels in our head that say, I am IRA. I am six feet tall, I have brown hair, I am speaking English, all those things that are going on in the background. And meditation was designed to release that for just a little bit. But you can't tell the mind to meditate to just release or dis identify.

So we have to trick it into releasing the thinking apparatus just for you know, 510 15 minutes every day and what I'm doing Want to do in this video is give you different anchors, I'm going to give you nine different anchors that you can try on and the side if any of them work for you so that you can gain a little respite, some equity dimity just for a few minutes every day, think of this video as a dressing room. And I want you to try on these nine different anchors these nine different meditations and if any of them fit, feel free to wear them out into the world and use them for the rest of your life. Thank you very much.

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