Welcome, my first day of meditation, meditation one. And during this meditation I'm actually going to instruct you not to meditate. This is what I call the pretend to meditate meditation. And I'm going to do this so that you know the difference between just sitting and meditating. So please create the frame. Your hips are a little higher than your knees, your chin is level.
Grounded of your head is the highest point on your body. Respond is erect, your shoulders gently hang down. Close the eyes, black face, least any tension from your forehead, jaws unclenched. And the paradox is that your bones are alert, rigid, but your flesh is relaxed. And all we're going to do in this section is have you sit for five minutes in one position keeping the frame and pretending to meditate never thoughts come into your head just observe them and just maintain the physical posture, the frame that we've created. For the next three minutes you've opened your eyes and notice A video of me meditating in Grand Central Station.
You should know that like you now I'm just pretending to meditate. Actually, my only concern is not being hit in the head by a briefcase, Pastor by this meditation. Just do what it's like to sit still for a few minutes And we'll gently guide our attention back into the room.