Welcome back to parently Dr. Boyd here. Welcome to your second trimester. Now I want to give an overview of what to expect in your second trimester. important to understand that the second trimester is from the end of your 13th week to the end of your 26th week. In that period of time, you're going to have several very important testing that will be done, you'll be offered a quad marker between your 15th and 22nd. Week, you will have a level two ultrasound between your 18th and your 22nd week.
This is when we will determine the sex of your baby. And thirdly, you may be offered a gestational diabetes screening sometime between your 24th and your 28th week so that may be at the end of your second trimester or the beginning of your third trimester. Now what to expect in the office. The end of your 13th week start your second trimester. At that point, we will start looking at the height of your uterus called your fundal height. We will start measuring by Doppler the baby's heartbeat.
That will be done on four week visits from your 13th to your 28th week. And then we will also be determining your protein your urine so we will be looking at your urine each visit to make sure that you don't have protein in your urine. So from the end of the 13th week to the 28th week, you should be seen on four week visits unless you fall into a high risk category, and you may be seen on more frequent visits. The last issue that your healthcare provider will ask is are you feeling the baby move. A medical term for this is clicking. But fetal movement evaluation is very, very subjective and women most women start feeling their baby move anywhere from the 16th week to the 20th week.
Someone would say they can feel it Before 16 weeks, some women it takes until after 20 to 22 or 23 weeks, the location side of your placenta is very important. If you have a placental site that's in the front side of your uterus called anterior, you won't feel your baby move until someone until later versus someone that has a placenta location the backside of the uterus called a poster placenta. This is an overview of your second trimester. I hope this was helpful. Have a great day.