Hello, Mama, congratulations on your little bundle of joy. You made it. Pregnancy prep, through your pregnancy, labor, delivery, postpartum. And now you are at home. But you're still in your postpartum period. And you will be for a little while.
And you will still have many questions to ask. And so that's why I want to encourage you to stay a part of the community and the community live. If you're not a part of it already, then I would encourage you to choose to be a part of the community. The course is over and you get to keep this for life. Future pregnancies. You've got some questions again, you want to prepare again, come on back to parently foundations and take this course.
But new questions come up and we will be updating the course constantly. But what about questions that you have right now. So we would love for you to stay a part of the community and the community Live. again congratulations on motherhood. We'll see you soon.