Hi, welcome to stretch and tone stretch day, one of my absolute favorites. I think they're all great, but I really do. Enjoy a good deep stretch and I am excited that you're doing this with me. So we're gonna start some deep breaths in and out ready. add one more. Circle your head 1234 again, 5678 and 1234 again and then six, and seven, and eight shoulders one, and two, three, and four, five, and six, and seven, and eight, reaching back to three.
Four by 678 arm across 234 holding 5678 switching 1234 holding 5678 overhead 2345678 punching 1234567 and eight and reaching up and another nice big roll. Feel So Good, good. Okay, so from here I'm going to widen out I'm going to do a nice long stretch to the side 3456 Seven and eight foot Chin 12345678 and flat back 2345678 down 12345678 and other side 1234 holding 5678 searching 1234567 and a flat back 12345678 down 1234 holding five and six, seven and eight center you're going to play and stretch. To and stretch. Three, and stretch. And four and stretch and hold 234 rolling up.
Six, seven and eight. Play both legs here. Good. Reaching one arm. I'm sorry, one like mall out to the side here going to flex and point two and point three and point four and point. We're really thinking into that stretch before transitioning to our lunch holding 234567 and eight me down even deeper.
2345678 Reaching up and over with the opposite arm to Lake hold 234567 and eight. Good can when I rotate around, switch to the other leg and we're going to flex and point 234567 and ate a few bonus ones on that side. So you can do a few balls on the other one we're done. Really nice to stretch here. And then turn and face your leg. Nice strong lunch, hold 2345678 even deeper one 2345678 reaching up and over, holding 12345678 good.
All right, have a seat. beautiful butterfly stretch leaning forward over your legs, holding 2345678 another 82345678 legs out to this side, nice and strong. We're going to actually use our red and we're gonna go side to side so we're gonna pull along so we go 12345678 reaching over to 34567 and eight switching sides left first we go One and two, three and 45678 over left 234 holding 567 and eight. turn towards the leg and hold 234567 and eight and others side 234567 and eight. Good leaning forward 2345678 stay here eight more 234567 and ate. Excellent, good.
Okay, bringing one nice after the other here and I'll lean forward here 234-567-8123 4567 and eight bringing that top leg around to the back so both legs are open, but they're bent. I want to lean back, you can go as far or not as far as you want. I'm going to go and go ahead and lay down here. Just getting a nice deep stretch here. 2345678 again, 1234567 and a good other side. Go ahead and come back up.
Left leg over, right He's in line, you go 1234567 and eight and 2234567 and eight. Bring that front leg around to the back, both legs and attitude. As in both neither Ben's going to lean back as far as I want to or can. We have 12345678 and 2234567 and eight Good to see you just a little bit but feet straight out. I bring that right leg in 234567 and eight, stretching up to 345678 reaching out to this guy trying to keep both hips on the ground 234567 and eight. Good crafting over my body here.
234567 And eight good, others what other needs two, three, or 5678 reaching up 1234 nice strong line line, seven and eight to the side. 234567 and eight, crossing the knee over your body every Sunday. out to the side. 2345678 good, go ahead and turn on to your stomach. From here, I'm going to push up. Use your abs to help you with this 5678 push back all the way to a child's pose.
Really reach those shoulders forward, reach with those fingertips out. Awesome workout in stretching