One thing I really like is having a whiteboard like that. So if you're working on your computer, maybe on the side or this side, you have a big wall, you can have a whiteboard, why do we need a whiteboard, because for a couple of reasons, sometimes you want to put your big ideas, your big initiatives there, so you can focus on them. Sometimes you want to put your big goals there, so you can focus on them. And I like to have this as big as possible. So that big whiteboard, big ideas, more ideas, you're not afraid to write there because you have space leftover. Sometimes with the small ones, you know, you should write there because you have to get rid of the old stuff, you know, it's like, and then you're like, and then like maybe everyone right, and then you get into the habit of not writing.
She's gonna do one. Um, so sometimes these things have a calendar on them. The calendar is not my favorite thing. Um, because you know, it's like, I like the free white space where you can work. Another thing that is really good sometimes it helps you think through Big Ideas. If you need to create some sort of strategy or plan, you know, a leads to B, B leads to c c goes back to a, you know, like the whole thing.
You really you know, you need to organize something in your mind and it's just not happening. Having a whiteboard can help you, even if you're by yourself, this is great if you have a team but if even if you're by yourself, I can help you kind of think through, draw a little mom draw a little chart, you know, whatever you need to help you visualize whatever you're working on. And keep it there and sort of keep it there and keep in. You know, it's going to remind you of things you always glance at it. Oh, yeah, that's a strategy. And it's just really helpful for a number of things like I mentioned, organizing your ideas, keeping track of your goals, you know, being focused right things like that.
This thing is great. If you have like a big space, definitely I would recommend getting this will actually really adds excitement when you see Your big ideas drawn up there your big plans. Honestly, it adds a little bit of excitement. Like when I see it. I'm like, Oh, yeah, that's the downside of working on that thing. Yeah, let's make it happen.
And, you know, it does kind of add excitement at least to me. Maybe I'm a nerd. Anyway. That's that