Did you know that your work area in your desk if you actually work there and spend time there on a regular basis, they it has more bacteria than your bathroom? And in your bathroom, you're careful you're clean in your work area, you're more comfortable you touch everything typically, you know your your wireless, the keyboard, the mouse, the phone, if you have a phone like there, a lot of stuff, right? handles for your drawers. Okay, you got the idea. It's got a lot of nasty dirty bacteria. And what you want to do is use something like this not necessarily this again, when I told you when I show you products, I'm not telling you I don't make any money.
This is from Windex like I don't make any money. But you know, it's like I'm not an affiliate teller here. I'm just suggesting a product and you don't have to get this one. I can get something like this one, but it's pretty cheap. And it's got like a you know Electronic swipes and you can just you know, wipe down your keyboard, your mouse, everywhere that you have even maybe your, the handle for your coffee mug, everywhere where you think like, you know, you touch a lot. And so maybe do that once every make it a habit of doing that once every week or so.
And you just have a cleaner environment because let me guess what you also eat there all kinds of stuff like that, right? So we have snacks and then you touch everything and then you snack and stuff grows. I do that too. Anyway, so try to do this and try to make it a habit of using these things. Maybe like once a week, you see it's only five it's only 599. So it's $6 for example is 25 wipes.
So for the year you only end up spending $10 but you'll be in a much cleaner environment.