Have a little exercise for you, um, which maybe is a better way than using Facebook for your breaks. And that is, maybe try to five minutes a day only try to spend that on organization to try to give your focus to being organized, maybe putting a few things away, maybe wiping something now, maybe something else, right. And that way, just five minutes a day, you will be able to keep and maintain a like really beautiful, clean, nice work environment. And maybe sometimes you would even spend, you know, a little bit of extra time but go to a store and get something for extra organization or an extra, you know, extra shelves or something like just a little tiny bit, you know, five minutes is a rough thing is a rough rough estimate but a little bit of time on organization, maybe even thinking about how to reposition your desk so that we'll be comfortable trying that experiment.
So try to five minutes a day. Give that to the organization of your desk, and also Very time you're going to have like an you know you you're going to maintain your immediate environment really clean and organized. But also maybe you'll figure out a new way to arrange your seating you know, the whole, how you how you organize the entire space, which might really boost your creativity, right. So, give that some of your brain power and you'll get good results from it. Much more you'll get much more back from it. Then you put in