Now let's go over a few desk organizers. Now these are for immediate storage to put your pens and papers and all those things. What I do, I don't like love having them on my desk, but let me I love having them next to my desk, okay, because the desk I like to keep it clean, because it's sort of like your immediate space is for creativity. There's no reason to clutter it. We'll get into that later. But let's just go over a few organizers.
I mean, this is so basic, right? Just put your papers there. You can have a thing for all the little things like a million pens, right? Like, post it notes, whatever. What I kind of like is if it was all in one, sort of something like this, right? And again, I don't love having this on my desk, but I love having this sort of thing next to my desk, maybe on top of one of your you know, storage organizers, right?
And by the way, when I show you this product I'm not affiliated with any of them. I'm not an I'm not a reseller. I'm just suggesting good ideas. So I'm not trying to sell you on anything. You don't have to buy these. These are just ideas.
So anyway, now that I got that out of the way, you see that so for my taste, get something like this, but have it next to your desk because I love having the immediate desk clean and clear. Okay,