MBA Time Engineering Module 9 – Your Battle Plan

Time Engineering: MBA Time Engineering
22 minutes
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Welcome back to Tom engineering. It's great to be with you once again and wherever you might be in this wonderful world. I hope everything is absolutely superb. Today is our last module in time engineering, and I've saved my most valuable to for last, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I organize my day to catapult my focus and my productivity. And it can do exactly the same for you. This tool has been with me my entire business career, I have refined it slightly over time, however, it remains one of my greatest assets.

So let's get straight into it. There's a saying by Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War, all men can see the tactics whereby conquer but what none can see is the strategy of which victory is evolved. So today, I want to share with you one of my greatest strategies. Now, it's not a revolutionary, it's not a revolutionary idea or concept. However, understanding how, and more importantly, why I use it is very, very unique. And I'm going to start with a very direct statement.

If you don't work from an organized diary or daily task sheet of some kind, you are bordering on insanity. And the reason I make such a definitive statement is because of the scores of individuals that I have mentored, trained or LED. Everyone I've introduced to the process of working from a daily task sheet has seen an incredible upswing in their clarity, focused activity and productivity. This is to be blatantly honest, with only one exception. I had a graphic designer on my team for 10 years who was so incredibly creative, that I didn't get in the way of his creativity. What I simply did was, I always gave him three jobs at a time to be working on so to keep his creative mind going so he could just bounce between those three jobs.

And then when one job was finished, I will I will completed I would simply add another to his pile to keep his mind ticking over and and all and flowing all the time. However, he was the absolute exception to the rule. And as you can see, there was still a structure in place for managing his focus and productivity. Now, I have no doubt you have more than likely heard about working from an organized diary or daily task sheet, I call mine is blue. My battle plan and there are literally hundreds of versions of these many of which require million of things to be in a million things to be interested say, and half of your days consumed in just filling them out. However, my battle plan is intentionally very basic.

Underneath this video, you'll find a downloadable version of my own personal battle battle plan in either Excel and also a PDF format. I need you to please pause the video now and download it and print out a copy of the front end back of the battle plan on one page, if possible, so you can see what I'm referring to as we progress through this module. Then you can either use mine design or you know dissolve one of your own when you're done whatever works for you. I'll be referring to this my battle plan as we go through this module, under the assumption that you have a copy of it in your hands, and you can see what I'm talking about and referring to so please download it and print it out now. Cool. Okay, so let's quickly go over first the layout, and then we can get into the more important details on the front page.

Column one is your day is broken down into 15 minute lots. column two is daily management is where any appointments that you have are noted in shorthand just very quickly, and you can see there's a couple of examples in the one that you should have day. column three is your production list. This is your work for the day. Column four is the order in which your jobs should be done. And column five is for you to tick when your work is complete.

On my battle plan, I have a couple of quotes to remind me to stay focused on the right things at all times. For example, at the bottom it states win win win. This is to remind me to engage in transactions and relationships where all parties win at all times. I never want to engage in A transaction that is detrimental to me or anyone else, because I always want to be investing my time. a win win win transaction takes the same amount of time to develop as a win lose transaction. But the former allows me to develop relationships that will give me a far greater return on the investment of my time.

On the back page, I have a number of items on there that are important to me and assist me remaining focused on the right activities. For example, if I come across something that I want to study, there is an area for me to just jot down whatever it is that that that I want to say that I want to get my head into or study or, or take a look at so that whenever I'm having a quiet day, I can simply look there and then find something of value to do rather than just wasting time. It may look a little blank on the document that you've got because I've deleted some of the details. There. directly relevant to my companies that I don't wish to share with the world at large. I'm assuming you understand what I mean.

But effectively, you can tailor the back page to suit yourself. Now, I fill in my battle plan every afternoon at 415 on the front, or 30 minutes before I finish, whichever comes first. And it should take you no more than five to seven minutes to do it. That's it. Now I can play it in the afternoon or at the end of my day, not in the morning before my day begins. And I do this so that my subconscious mind has time to work on the list for the following day while I'm sleeping.

I then print it out and I leave it on my desk next to my keyboard where it remains at all times. And I know I'm a little bit old school like that, but it works for me. My battle plan is that first thing I review every day before I opened my inbox or do anything else. When I first hit my desk every morning. It's the first thing I'll do Okay, immediately getting my mind on target for the day. Okay.

So this is the important bit, you will notice in column three on the front page, under the items that are typed for completion that day, there is a lot of blank lines. This blank area is one of your most valuable assets and is where your battle plan becomes one of your greatest allies. You may recall back in, I believe it was module two where I mentioned that your mind is the greatest supercomputer on the planet. It observes, perceives and processes, absolutely everything. And it doesn't require your permission to open programs. And that every open program as in potential distraction, it has to process eats up your energy, your focus, your ability to process and your productive capacity.

Well, this also happens to every area. This also happens every time you think of any little thing that you have to do. And I mean anything. How many times a day are you in the middle of something, or in some activity, when something just pops into your head, Oh, I forgot to email john back, or I have to give Mary call about the whatever or I have to review the telephone accounts. Or I have to get some milk on the way home, whatever it may be. Perhaps you suddenly think of a great marketing idea, or a great idea for a new product, any number of things that could pop into your head on any given day.

And if you're a true entrepreneur, this happens a lot. But what you have to understand is that every time one of these thoughts come in, it comes into your head, you become distracted, and your mind opens a program because it wants to make sure you don't forget it. Every one of these programs impacts on your concentration and your productivity. And because this process is basically intangible, it's negative impact. Packed on you, is usually ignored or goes unnoticed. Think about when you go to the shops with a list of 10 or so items, how often do you come home?

Having forgotten a few items, only to say to yourself, how did I forget them. Conversely, what happens when you actually write them down on a list on a piece of paper or maybe in your iPhone, and you immediately, you immediately relax effectively, because you don't have to remember anything. And when you get to the shops, you can only walk around and get what you need. Well, imagine how hard your mind is working to store all the ideas, jobs, and events that come up every single day in your business and life. And imagine what impact this is having on your ability to concentrate and produce. He is massive.

So whenever any of these ideas, these things to do or you know things to remember, Arise simply jot them down on your battle plane in column three, so they can be dealt with at the appropriate time. Your mind now knows that you have recorded the information in a safe place for future reference. And so it relaxes and allows the program to close. You're not diverted away from what you're working on, and your power of concentration is unaffected. I refer to my battle plan many, many times every single day, it acts as my compass to refocus my productivity so that my actions or activities are in line with the achievement of my daily goals. These are in turn in line with the achievement of my weekly, my monthly and my ultimate goals.

At the end of the each day, I complete a new battle plan for the following day. Now, while I'm doing this, I review the list of ideas, thoughts, things to do that I wrote down during that day. If there's a big idea or a big thought, or big action that requires attention, then I schedule it into my day or allocate it to the correct individual on the team. And all the small items that have been jotted down during my day are then condensed into a 10 to 15 minute maximum smash session to get them resolved before I leave for the day. Now, stay with me on this because this is the most crucial point to understand. reviewing this list, and handling the issues on it at the end of each day, is the key to have this process supports your productive capacity entirely.

Please let me explain. Think for a moment of someone who has worked for you or someone who has maybe worked with you or for you for a period of time. It could have been an employee a subcontract to a cleaner at your home, whatever it may be. When they first started with you, you probably used to Go back and check. whatever work you had allocated to them, right? basically your confidence in them hadn't developed.

So during this time, your mind had an open program constantly saying something like, be aware, you need to check what they're doing. Overtime as trust built, you became more confident in their ability, your concern over, variability diminished, diminished and went away and you check the lesson less on their work. As a result, whether you were aware of it or not, your open program on the meta was less intrusive on you. Eventually, it got to a point where you didn't have to check anymore at all correct. And the program could be closed as soon as you allocated the work to them. Anyone who has ever had an apprentice employee will understand the process I just described perfectly until you get to a point where you don't need to check it The more your mind keeps in open program on whatever the job or the work or the activity is, it is always in the back of your mind, consuming part of your concentration, your time and your productive capacity.

Your battle plan is exactly the same. By reviewing it at the end of every day and completing what needs to be done, your mind grows ever more confident with it. over short space of time, your mind will conclude that this is a trustworthy system that delivers results. And as your mind develops faith that the system can be trusted to perform. It will automatically close any program that opens as soon as you drop it or jot it on your battle plan, allowing you to maximize your concentration, your focus your time and your productive capacity during your day. The equation in summary is simple.

The less distractions or open programs the less stress and pressure that is in your space, the more focus and power that is available for what is really important and as a direct result, you can perform more effectively and efficiently. And it is from this powerful position, that acceleration in your business can begin to really take place. Now, we are coming to the end of time engineering and I would like to cover one final point that is crucial to comprehend before we wrap it up. It is not the systems and actions I engage in that are of the utmost importance in relation to my space and time. In principle, their role is a supportive one. What is most important is the thought patterns driving the systems and my adherence to them.

It is how you train yourself to think around these that is most important because On any given day, I have what is called my big three, my do or die list. These are the key three items I need to focus on during my day, the structure of my environment, my operational space, and my day allows me to know immediately what I can say yes to, and what I should say no to. And learning to say no to things is the role most individuals struggle with. But saying notice something is not bad. It simply means that you could say yes to a higher priority. Let me repeat that.

Learning to say no means saying yes to a higher priority. Otherwise, all the crap will get in the way of your big three and every single day. What do you think my big three are busy time or income time activities? I think you know the answer. sino fundamentally allows you to say yes to your big three. And your big three are focused primarily on elevating the profitability and prosperity of your business, which ultimately serves every related stock stakeholder in your operation, including your teams, your customers, and your suppliers and yourself.

What I would like to do in the last few minutes before I close out is summarize why you should be dedicated to understanding the knowledge in this program, and more importantly, why you should be dedicated to apply it every single day. But first you got to say Congratulations, congratulations on sticking with the learning and being committed to elevating yourself well done. Second, I often get asked, How do you stay so disciplined with this? Please don't think that I don't have bad days where I get distracted and drift off target because I'm human. Of course I do and so will you. However, as I've said so many times in this program, awareness is the first key to improvement.

And by just completing time engineering, you now possess knowledge and awareness that less than 1% of the population does. So, now when you have one of those days when you are off target, you'll be able to be aware of those days and correct accordingly. And don't beat yourself up. When you have one of those days when you feel like you weren't focused correctly and didn't get anything done. That doesn't serve anything or anyone understanding understand. I should say that most business owners spend their entire lives unaware that they are focused on the wrong things.

Lastly, at the end of the day, the bottom line is this. I'm acutely aware of the value of my space and time Now you want to, I don't want to have to consume energy focusing on my space and time, because that would, in itself be counterproductive. That is why I am ruthless and put in place simple systems to support me in maximizing the power of my space and time, which directly impacts and allows me to optimize my mental well being, my concentration, my focus, my productivity, my performance, and ultimately, my profitability and prosperity and the sustainability of all of my companies. Your choice here is simple. You can learn and apply how to think in relation to your space and time, which means learning to respect value, and become consciously aware of both and then take the necessary action to apply Apply and transform how you manage both, so that they support you to become incredibly productive, and as a result, dramatically accelerate your ability to materialize wealth, and success and freedom.

Or alternatively, you can join the majority who fail to learn and exploit this most fundamental of business and to be honest life skills. And you can choose to exist like a pinball inside a pinball machine, where your path is directed by everything other than yourself. And as a result, spend the majority of your time your most valuable asset engaged in trivial interruptions and activities of little if any value. This will in turn mean you will ultimately struggle to achieve the wealth and freedom that every business owner including you has the ability and the right To achieve, and the choice is completely, utterly and ultimately, yours. When all is said and done, all you need to avoid this struggle is three key ingredients, awareness, knowledge, and application of self discipline. This program has given you the first to the third is in your hands.

Oh, and one last point. When you take action conducive to respecting and valuing your space and time, you will be amazed at how people around you begin to respect and value you. I like to leave you with the wisdom of john F. Kennedy who said the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. I implore you, for your benefit, not mine. Don't allow procrastination around the management and structure of your space and time. To deliver stormy weather, and then try to fix the roof, get ahead of the curve, and do it now and to and reap the incredible rewards that I promise that we'll deliver.

It has been my absolute pleasure sharing this knowledge with you, when you apply it. I know it will allow you and support you in building an incredible business and a completely liberated life. Because I know it's been a crucial component to the incredible successes. I've been blessed to enjoy in my life. So until we meet again, in one of our other business engineering programs, or maybe live, know that anything is possible, and you are an incredible human being and please think clearly and have an absolutely remarkable day.

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