MBA Time Engineering Introductory Module

Time Engineering: MBA Time Engineering
11 minutes
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Welcome to Tom engineering. It's great to be with you and wherever you may be in this wonderful world. I hope everything is absolutely superb in your neck of the woods. I want to make something very clear to you right off the bat. This program is about one simple thing, learning how to make the most amount of money in the smallest amount of time using the least amount of energy and effort. If you're not interested in that, then you can stop watching now.

But if you are, then this is what you need to know. There are three main components to time engineering. They are space, time, and ephemeralization. Everything I cover in time engineering falls under one of these three categories. And I'll be covering all of these in absolute detail in this program. So you are crystal clear on all them, and can utilize them for rapid transformation in your business and your life.

Now, before we get into any of those and learn what we need to learn so that we can terminate waste so we can multiply your productivity and your income forever, so that we can conquer overwhelm, gain total control your work life, get rid of all the unproductive crap that you hate doing, and become incredibly and acutely effective, efficient and PR and profitable. Before we can do any of that. We need to understand why. Why is this subject matter? One of the most important things you will ever learn in business and in life, and what most business owners Miss mastering this most critical skill for business success. Now, the reason I'm starting by explaining this to you is this, as with almost anything that human beings do, if we don't understand the why the why behind it, then rarely do we embody the action.

And it's only from embodying the action and applying the knowledge and information that we learn that we get the actual results we want. That's why I spend so much time on everything I teach, explaining the why, because I know that unless you truly comprehend the why you won't embody the action. It's just the way that we're programmed as human beings. So please stay with me on this for a while. While I explain the because because I assure you if you can get this Everything changes, and I mean everything. So why is time engineering one of the most important things you will ever learn in business?

Well, in fact, the Why is relatively simple. You see, time engineering being made up of space, time and ephemeralization is at the root of failure for most business owners. And the reason is because the majority of business owners fail to learn and adhere to the simple law of time, often because they are unaware of it. And the law resists You are the consciously and deliberately fill your space and time with those things conducive to you achieving the outcome you want, or someone or something else will use your space and time to achieve the outcomes that they want. Now, I know that that may sound incredibly simple and that's because It is simple. The simplicity of this law is why it is so often overlooked.

And it's the simplicity that makes it so extraordinarily empowering. The problem is most business owners don't have the knowledge base and more importantly the framework in place to support them being focused and engaged in activity conducive to achieving the outcomes they really want. So they are unable to structure themselves and their businesses acting in accordance with it. Allow me to divert for a moment and just ask your quick question. Why are you in business? Now?

While there may be a million answers to that question, for me, however, there are really only three fundamental reasons or outcomes for going into business. Now, of course, we all want to do something we love and and feel like we're building something good growing and all that stuff, that's all fantastic. But for me, the three key reasons fundamental reasons of being in business are wealth, abundance, and freedom. And it's this last one freedom, that is the most elusive, and the one that is skated that escapes, I should say, the extreme vast majority of business owners, because rarely to business owners learn how to view, assess, and ultimately value their space and time. So they can systematically structure and apply their time accurately effectively and in the most productive manner to support rather than suppress the realization of those three outcomes. And as a result of not choosing to consciously and proactively manage both your space and time, these business owners unconsciously exist in a permanent state of triage, unable to act deliberate And constructively, they are reactive by default and completely susceptible to and control by every tiny issue, concern or distraction in their environment.

This diverts them away from the constructive, income producing activity that they should be engaged in, consuming the productivity right from underneath their noses, robbing them of the ultimate goal of business ownership, wealth, abundance and freedom. And, as a consequence, the vast majority of business owners get trapped in the cycle of what I call satisfactory business syndrome, where they are overworked and underpaid and fundamentally unhappy and unfulfilled because their lives are controlled by an underperforming business by a master a beast literally of their own creation. So what we will be doing in this program is first elevating your fundamental knowledge and As such your awareness because awareness is the first key to improvement. So, so that you can comprehend your space and time from a cause and effect perspective. And then learn exactly how to structure your space and time so that it is not suppressing or working against you.

Rather, it is supporting, elevating and accelerating your ability to achieve the ultimate goal of business ownership, real wealth, abundance, and freedom. Now, just before we begin, I need I need you to be aware of a couple of things about this program. The program is interactive, I ask a lot of questions and I do this because I want you I want you engaged in the learning. This program is not designed for me to just sit here and speak at you. So please have a pen and preferably a dedicated folder you can use for this program to record and take notes while we go in recording and taking notes is a crucial part of the learning process. It's called discovery learning and it's the best kind.

So the more you write, the more you learn. Secondly, please don't skip any of the lessons because they work sequentially and synergistically to dramatically enhance your performance and underpin your development of abundance and sustain prosperity. Next, the first few modules are context setting, basically ensuring you have the framework of knowledge to ensure you understand what you are learning, because as I said earlier, unless you understand what we're teaching or what we're sharing with you here, you will never use it. The remaining modules are the specific tools and exercises that we will that will allow you to reshape your ability to be effective and efficient and to be productive, prosperous and prosper. forever. Finally, this program is not complicated, nor does it require a triple figure IQ to comprehend.

I didn't create it to be complex, long or difficult. What you'll find is that this program is relatively short. Overall, you'll be investing somewhere around two to three hours of your time. And that's less than any of the Lord of the Rings, films or even Titanic you've ever seen either of those, or any of those I should say. But I guarantee you this the payoff for investing your time in this program will be infinite in comparison. Time engineering is designed primarily to rapidly empower you with the key distill components and expertise, the engineering to recalibrate the fundamental manner in which you act, interact, and engage in your environment.

So we can place you in the most optimal position at all times to catapult and maximize your productivity, profitability and profit. Hence your influence and affluence in the real world in the shortest amount of time. So you can accelerate your ability to achieve the ultimate goal of business ownership, real wealth, abundance and freedom. Oh, and just one last thing, please forgive me if I seem to get a little bit excited about this subject as we prove it as we as we go through it and progress. Of all the programs I teach, none of them have the power to instantly transform your productivity, your your profitability and your prosperity like time engineering. If I had to go back to the beginning of my business journey, and I had to pick one tool to start with, it would most likely be this one, because everything else stems from here.

So strapping and get ready to see a world from a whole new perspective. change the way you fundamentally operate forever and accelerate what we're going to do with your business. So until we meet again in the next module, please think clearly and have an absolutely incredible day.

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