MBA Time Engineering Module 4 – The secret of Ephemeralization

Time Engineering: MBA Time Engineering
12 minutes
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Welcome back to Tom engineering. It's great to be with you once again. And once again, wherever you might be in this wonderful world. I have everything is absolutely superb in your neck of the woods. And I hope you have your pens and paper ready because we're going to get straight into it. Today we are going to cover the principle of ephemeralization.

So what is that big word? I hope I spelled it right. Anyway. Basically, it's a concept that was coined by one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. A master leader Teacher and human being named Buckminster Fuller, or you may have heard of him called Bucky Fuller. And what it means is this, to do more and more with less and less, until eventually you can do everything with nothing.

Now, another word for this is leverage. But I generally like to use the word ephemeralization. Because the etymology of the word is from the Greek word ephemera, which means to only exist or be used for a short time. And I would like you to, to really grasp the concept that if something is not truly supporting and accelerating your achievement, of your ultimate goal of business ownership, that it will only last or exist for a short time. All the greatest leaps in society, especially in the last hundred years have all been fueled by ephemeralization or leverage, doing more with less. Think about things like a motor car, does it allow you to do more with less of course.

Right. I mean, how fast can you walk or run a few kilometers an hour, right? But in a car, you can go 6080 100 kilometers an hour to get where you want to go quicker and easier, right? Think of Henry Ford's first production line. Did that allow him to do more with less? Absolutely.

This mic that I'm using is allowing me to leverage my voice, it's allowing me to do more with less plugged into the right speaker system, it allows me to do incredibly more with less my voice could fill an entire stadium, my mobile phone, you know, once upon a time, I could only get my voice to go a couple of hundred meters. Now I can talk to someone on the other side of the world on the other side of the planet. And, and it sounds like we're standing right next to each other. You know, national postage companies, US Mount Royal Mail in the UK, Australia Post etc. are all struggling to stay profitable because of one Because of email, I no longer have to send a letter and wait days for for it to arrive, do I, I can send an email and in an instant, it's free.

Talk about more with less construction that was once done manually consuming enormous amounts of manpower and time is now done with machines and prefabrication. All of these are examples of ephemeralization or leverage, and they are all about doing more and more with less. Now, the reason this principle is so important is because the speed of our civilization and and the speed of being able to make more money is all positioned around this concept of leverage, or ephemeralization. You must always be looking to embody this process to positively influence every aspect of your operation and life. And please understand this EDIS. It's an unwavering answer.

Stoppable force. You don't get a vote on this. You don't get to say whether it's going to happen or not. It's going to happen whether you like it or not. So you have to find the leverage in your business and or your service provisions. You have to get on board or you're going to get left behind.

This is the way that business and life is moving, and it's accelerating rapidly. The problem is most business owners are not on board with this principle. They're not operating within this paradigm. They're still trying to do everything themselves. I have a guy who, who comes in most pylons, his name is Peter. He is absolutely the loveliest man on the planet.

Always on time does an incredible job. I love the man, but he works like a dog because he has no leverage. His lawnmower is a little bit of leverage, but that's it. He'll never be free because he's locked into a to a 19th century paradigm. On, what I want you to grasp P is that life is made up of time. And the only way to maximize your time or the time you have is to do things to do the things that you want to do in life is through leverage is through ephemeralization.

To do more and more with less and less. I want you to have an incredible life today. That's what the Millennium Business Academy is all about. I don't want you to have an incredible life in 30 years when you might be able to retire. But what you have to grasp is this, as Bruce Lee once famously said, If you love life, don't waste time, because time is what life is made up of. Life is made up of time.

And the only way to maximize the time you have in life. To do the things that you want to do is to embody this principle in its entirety. Because if you don't, you will spend your life with your time being consumed by grunt work activity that will not provide you the real wealth abundance, and above all else, the freedom that you desire and deserve. And don't make the mistake of thinking that because or that you offer great value to your customers, so you'll be fine value or value transmission to your customers is a completely different concept and has nothing to do with this. I cover that concept in my client engineering program. But, but think of it this way.

Think of the greatest teacher you ever had in school or maybe our school. You know, they may be a coach or maybe a scout leader or whatever, but think about who your best teacher was. And then think about for example, a movie star which one delivered or delivers you more value in your life. Your teacher or your great teacher delivered you incredible value but who is the ability to generate a greater return on their time. In fact, tremendously more. The movies are right, because they have leverage to the distribution of their films.

You poor school teacher, no matter how much value they deliver, will never earn more than a decent salary. And a modest one who Pat because they have no leverage for their product, their skill, or their service. And I don't mean that in a derogatory or offensive manner whatsoever. I have great respect for teachers on all levels. They, they make up a vast component of the fabric of our societies through the dissemination and the sharing of their knowledge. And they they do an incredible job for not a lot of financial reward.

I'm just illustrating the point with an example I know you'll be able to grasp. So what we have to begin to look at here is are you actively engaged consciously using leverage ephemeralization doing more with less, wherever and whenever possible to maximize your productivity and get your time back. Now, two things first, this principle might feel a little heavy right here at the beginning. That's okay. Once again, if you don't completely get this principle just yet, or how to apply it just yet, more importantly, don't worry. And if you do, that's awesome, all the way.

As we proceed. This, I promise you, this will become crystal clear. I promise you this much. There is so much leverage in your world that you are not seeing it because you're simply not conditioned or where you're not aware of or conditioned to see it. And it will all start to come into focus as we continue through the modules. Second, as we can continue true.

You will find yourself hearing yourself saying things or something like this in your head. Oh crap. There's another thing I'm not doing. Let me say this right off the bat, this is not about beating yourself up, this is nothing, there is nothing to be gained or should say from. from doing that. It's, it's a total waste of time.

So please just stop it right now. There is nothing wrong with you. There never has been. And there never will be. You're just in a process of life called learning as we all are. All we want to all we want to achieve is to become completely and consciously aware of your current reality, elevate your knowledge and your expertise, and then identify where to improve.

That's it. So please keep in mind, awareness is the first key to improvement. So let's first become aware of your current reality so we can then improve it. Now, just so quickly, uncovering this principle here at the beginning because I want you I want this to be in your conscious mind right from the beginning and more importantly, I want You need to be consciously aware of it so that you can go back into your business on a day to day basis. And you can begin to reshape the way that you act and engage, which drives the way you produce. I want this principle and the questions to be to be stuck in your mind permanently.

And you may want to write these couple down. So first, where is the leverage? Second way or how can I do or make more with less? Now, you don't have to answer these questions right now. Just trust As we progress, the answers will begin to materialize. I promise you that much.

We'll cover more on this in the later modules to submit your understanding and embodiment of this principle for now, once again, just please be okay with being aware of it. Cool. Awesome. So we're through the context setting modules. And now it's time to get into the meat and potatoes of time engineering. In the next module, you're going to learn a perspective on the value of your time that will transform the way you look at yourself and your business for the rest of your life and catapult your ability to generate income beyond your imagination.

So until we meet again in the next module, please think clearly and have an absolutely incredible day.

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