How to get the most from the Thought Engineering and the Academy programs

Time Engineering: MBA How to get the most out of Thought (Leadership) Engineering and the MBA Programs
19 minutes
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Hi, and welcome inside the Millennium Business Academy, and congratulations on your decision to invest in your greatest asset you, I assure you it will be the best investment you ever make. Now here at the academy, Please rest assured that we are dedicated to excellence and quality in everything we produce and everything we deliver for you. So with that in mind, before we even start, I'd like to clarify for you exactly how to get the most out of your investment and the most out of your membership here at the Academy. So please grab a cup of coffee or tea and please tune in so we can make sure you have a genuine understanding of how to get the most out of your membership to the millennia Business Academy. The first thing you You need to know about the Academy is this? nothing, absolutely nothing in the academy works at all.

Just as a scourge, oh, it doesn't work if you don't work it. Make no mistake, the most successful graduates here Academy and the most successful business owners that I've ever worked with and trained, all share common characteristics of being ambitious, committed, resourceful, and resilient. If you're not all those things and not willing to be held accountable, and to hold yourself accountable to continuing to exemplify those things, then your results will reflect that. However, if you are committed to entering this learning space with a beginner's mind, and putting into practice what you learn, then you will get the results. I'm gonna open the doors to a vast amount of business knowledge, insight and expertise that will transform your perspective on business, but your future is ultimately in your hands. It's what you do.

Do or don't do with the knowledge that will determine your real world results. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it. I know you know the answer. Now, you may have heard me talk about this subject in any one of the educational materials that you may have received at some point in time from me, but I need to reiterate this, so you so that your expectations are not misguided. The process of transforming what's up here so that you can transform what you produce out there. doesn't happen overnight.

I know we live in a world of instant gratification and we have come to expect it or we become conditioned, I should say to expect it in every aspect of our lives. But you're not going to just watch a few modules in the academy, flick a switch and everything is going to be magically perfect. It just doesn't work that way. learning anything Particularly learning your valuable knowledge and skills takes investment of time, energy and commitment. If it didn't, everyone would possess the skills. Think of it like this when a professional tennis player gets a new coach and that coach changes the players backhand to improve it.

Often. Often the player's backhand weakens initially, because he is learning a new technique. However, over time and with practice, patience and application, the plays back in becomes brilliant, and his entire game excels because of the improvement of this single component. What we are doing here is exactly the same. But we're not just working on your backhand. We're working on your whole game, your back in your forehand, your overhead slim, your net game and your baseline game.

So at all times. Please keep in mind when you're what you're doing here in the Academy is a process of progressive learning, progressive application and progressive growth. It's a journey and a process. And I assure you, it is one worth taking. So please just trust the process and you will get the results. And remember, the academy only works if you work what you're about to learn.

Watching the training once will have an impact on you no doubt, but watching it multiple times will have a cumulative and synergetic effect. Because you can't consume all knowledge first time through, it just isn't possible. I promise. There are things that will make so much more sense. The second and subsequent times through the training. It's it's called delayed learning where we're all of a sudden something locks into place and the next layer can then be added on and it's incredibly powerful.

Think of when you first learned your times tables, you didn't do them one And then that was it Did you know you did them over and over again until six times six was an equation that required literally any thought process whatsoever? Because the answer became embodied, it became a part of you. You just knew immediately that the answer is 36. The same way that you know the answer to seven times 11, four times four, or nine times nine. And unless you had a serious learning disability, I'll bet that if you don't know those answers easily, if you're honest with yourself, you didn't practice your times tables much when you were young. So the lead learning couldn't take place.

So please, take advantage of this resource for that purpose. That's why I built it this way. So that rather than you going to a seminar and only picking up you know, maybe 5% of knowledge, you have immediate access to it he again and again and again, the first time through, you might pick up 10 or 20 or 30% of the content. Next time through a little more, and so on and so forth, until the learning becomes a part of you, just like your times tables. If you miss something I said, you can go back right away and hear it again immediately, as many times as you need to to get it to ensure that rather than just consuming the knowledge, you have comprehension over it. The Academy is not here for you to just consume content, it is here for you to gain comprehension over it, because without comprehension, you can't use it.

And if you've seen my Academy masterclass video, you will you probably recall me saying that this is a primary difference between amateurs and professionals. Amateurs simply consume content professionals are such because they have insight and capability driven by comprehension. But at this point, don't worry about getting through the academy more than once. At this stage. I just want to plant the seed for you. There is a phenomenon that is right throughout the business education industry.

And I find it incredibly frustrating. And that is where educators create exercises for no other purpose than to create the appearance that their customers are getting more value. So please let me be crystal clear on this. I have not created exercises to give you the appearance that you're getting more value, because how the hell does that serve you or help you? The second program in the academy time engineering is an entire program engineered to embed deep into your DNA, a deep understanding of the value of your space and time, how it should be managed, where it should be focused, directed and allocated. And giving you a bunch of exercises under the illusion of delivering you more value is completely contradictory to the training that you receive in that program.

So I've intentionally built the academy with only a couple of years exercises, because any work that comes from your learning here in the academy should be work that you do directly on your business. And when you get to the exercises that that need to be done or that are suggested, you should do them because they are included to give you awareness and perspective on the things that directly impact your bottom line and your productivity. Now, you don't have to do them. That's your call, but I strongly suggest that you do. And if you do, I promise you will get genuine value from them. Every module has an audio version, download them, get them on your phone and listen to them when you're in the car or, or when you're at the gym or whatever it may be.

Now, I know that listening to me in every spare minute of your day is not the most exciting proposal on the planet. Trust me. I know I'm married. My wife tells me all the time. Brought not suggesting that you cannot do it forever. This is just a way of accelerating the process of live learning, because the knowledge goes in by different mediums and supports the learning process.

And once again, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I'm just letting you know how to get the most out of the Academy. One of the fundamental roles of any educator is to manage the gradient of learning. If I go too fast, you don't understand it will switch off. If I go too slow, you feel like you, you're not learning and you switch off. Please rest assured I'm very aware of the gradient even if you are not.

Please understand that different members of the academy are operating at different levels of experience. So at times, you may go through an experience of wanting me to either speed up or slow down. Regardless, just stick with the program. Every person on the planet operates in learns at their own pace. And it can never be expected that all members of the academy will be at the same place when they enter or as they progress through. There may even be some some modules that you don't understand for years.

And then one day bingo, something will click into place and the lesson will lock into place for you. I know this for a fact because there were some lessons for me that didn't fall into place perfectly until 10 years after I left my first mentor. And please also understand, a number of the lessons are intentionally structured to plant seeds. And although the value of those seeds may not be immediately apparent, just as a field of crops may not be obvious when they are first sowed. I assure you, those seeds will grow maybe at first inconspicuously, but in time, you will reap an incredible crop from what You will learn. So once again, please be patient with and trust in the process.

Okay, firstly, I know it may be tempting, but please don't try and watch more than a couple of modules per day. Don't binge on the Academy, because the Academy is not an entertainment program that you're just consuming for entertainment purposes. When you finish watching the Academy, there is knowledge that you're going to want to understand and retain. When you finish watching something that's an entertainment show. There's nothing that you want to retain. And if you try and stuff too much inside here in one go, you just end up retaining nothing.

Remember, Academy primary goal, comprehension, not consumption. Secondly, please don't miss a week and then try and cramming a whole heap of modules in one Sitting. Once again, that is not an optimal method. And it will only make the learning feel really heavy and feel like work. If you add a shape and decided to get fit, and then you crammed in 12 training sessions in a week, what do you think would happen, your body would break down, and it would probably be a very unpleasant experience and you probably and you're likely to even give up your brain is the same. So please just give yourself permission and and lock out in your diary, the 30 to 40 minutes every two or so days that you will need to progress through the training at a sustainable and manageable pace.

And if you can, in my experience, first thing in the morning while your mind is fresh is the best time to watch. That way you'll have all day in your business to see where the learning could apply or put into practice what was covered in the morning in the module that you Watch for that day. And if you do miss a week, because of you know, holidays, health, whatever, just go back to the regular timeline when you come back on board. Don't cram it all in. So please lock out the times in your diary now. And in summary, don't binge or fast, just allow the process of learning to run its course naturally, because not only will you learn and retain more, but you'll enjoy it a whole lot more as well.

At the beginning of each engineering program, I do cover some other points to help you and assist you with the learning. However, there is one critical element I'd like to cover before you step into the training. Now, this may not be the first time that you've heard that is explained, but if it isn't, it's critical to understand this so that you can successfully manage any emotions or events that you may experience as you go through the Academy. There are four stages In any learning process, and we all pass through the stages at some point in time, stage one in any learning process is called unconscious incompetence or also known as ambiguity. Now being a member of the Academy, you have most likely already passed through this stage, but you need to understand it anyway. So stage one, unconscious incompetence is where you are unaware that you don't know how to do something.

Hence the name unconscious incompetence. Now, not much happens at this stage other than mistakes that generally you're not even aware that you're making or if you are aware, you don't know why you're making them. Stage Two is conscious incompetence. This is where you are aware that you don't know how to do something and it bothers you. So you are consciously aware of your incompetence. Your consciously aware that you can't do something.

This is where you will usually make the decision, the conscious decision to enter a learning environment, because you have awareness that you can't do something or that you don't know something. So you are able to make a decision to change that situation. Now, what also can happen between this stage and stage three is that after you enter the learning environment, you can find yourself going through a process of frustration or confusion, thinking that you're not sure that you've got into the right course, and possibly not sure how what you're learning will actually help you. This is very, very normal. It's part of the perturbation process of learning. So if you experienced this, just be patient with it, I assure you, it will pass in time.

Stage Three is conscious competence. You now know that you know how to do something. But it still takes effort. This stage is also a stage of acknowledgement. What you find is that after consuming more from the learning environment, that you begin to gain a greater understanding and respect for what you're learning and how it applies in the real world, and the interrelations between any different components or elements, and how they link in how you apply them, as I said, in the real world, but they're yet to become ingrained or natural flowing assets. The final stage is unconscious competence.

You now know how to do something, and it becomes second nature, it becomes embodied. At this stage, the new knowledge becomes incredibly powerful, because not only do you understand it, but you comprehend its application in the real world, and the knowledge materializes as in grained responses or behavior. requires a little if any thought process whatsoever to gain the result of the new knowledge or expertise. This is where flow or Life Mastery of a certain skill set takes over. And your ability to produce in this new area of expertise becomes exponential. It is my goal, my focus and my mission of the Academy to get you as a business owner and leader to stage four.

Okay, this is the last few tips, the rapid fire tips section. The last four very quick things that I want to share with you others one, you can do the programs in any order you like. However, the best order is in the order that they are released in. So as the programs are released if you haven't completed the previous one, my suggestion is don't jump ahead. The programs are structured to be consumed in order and the interrelations between each program will make More sense, if you consume them that way to focus on the progress you're making, not any change, because progress has an immediate energy to it, that change does not. Progress can happen every single day.

So you can feel that energy every single day. But changes usually linked or associated with getting a result. And that might take some time. So don't wait for the change to a court to occur. To celebrate or feel good. Stay focused on the progress that you're making.

Not change. Three, three, if you get frustrated, or start feeling distressed or start experiencing perturbation, or with what you're learning or with what you're progressing through the Academy, and you feel like giving up or anything similar. Come back and watch this video first. It will put things into perspective for you and we'll help you get back on track. And lastly, just keep coming Back, commit to completing what you've started here. We all have shipped in our way or shifted gets in our way from time to time.

But the difference between the top 1% and the rest is that the top 1% don't allow the ship to stay in their way. They go around it or push it aside or they push directly through it. So just keep coming back stay the course. Well, that's it for now. There's lots of other good stuff that I'm going to be sending to you. But that's enough for us to get your wheels in motion.

So let's get into it. And I'll see you in the first module. And as always, basic. think clearly and have an absolutely incredible day.

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