In this section we are going to talk about the different techniques that will allow you to master your shadow side. Now, before we even dive in, I want to say that shadow work and personal development work is really unique to every single person. So some of these might not work for you. And that's okay. Choose the ones that work for you, and that allow you to see the bigger picture and to really grow as a person. So let's go ahead and dive right in.
Now, the first thing I want to talk about is finding your archetypes. Now, what that means is there are a bunch of different personality traits, different personality tests out there that allow you to really find your strengths and your weaknesses. And finding your archetype helps you identify repeating patterns and what kind of character you hold in. Your life, it allows you to identify who you are. And it might bring up things that need to be healed within you. I've attached a PDF within this section that will bring you to an archetype quiz as well as other resources where you can really take a deeper dive into your archetypes.
And I really want to say, you know, as personal experience, diving into these kind of quizzes, and these kinds of work really allowed me to see the bigger picture and to really see my strengths as well as my weaknesses. And I'm really grateful for these kinds of free resources because it allows you to understand yourself better, it allows you to, you know, see what exactly needs to be healed and your strengths and it's really awesome. So be sure to check that PDF out. Now, another thing that is really, really powerful that you can do while you You're working on personal growth and development is checking out your emotional reaction to things you want to become the observer of your reactions, does it trigger an initial negative response. And if there is a negative response that you know, comes with something, it needs to be healed most likely.
Now, you want to bring awareness to your feelings and a lot and you want to allow to search for a deeper meaning. You want to search why you are becoming upset why you're becoming angry with this, you know, thing that is triggering a negative response. And it's also really vital for mental health. You know, mental health is something that we don't talk a lot about in life and we need I believe that it's truly important for us to really make mental health a priority. So a simple way that you can do this is you know, Say you're having a conversation with a friend and an old acquaintance comes up in conversation and you feel a little negative about it, you feel, you know, you feel uncomfortable, that most likely means that there's some sort of past hurt or past pain that you didn't entirely heal. So work with that, you know, if it means you know, reaching out to this person, or maybe if it's just journaling or meditating on it, or really just understanding why this initial negative reaction came up, that will allow you to heal it and that will allow you to grow as a person.
So the next thing I want to talk about is having an active imagination. This is going to create an inner dialogue within you and it is crucial to learning about yourself, to learning about your ego and to learning about your connection to your intuition. It allows you to observe your wants and desires. tires and fears, and the patterns that we all have in our lives. So you know, you want to have a conversation with yourself. You want to ask yourself, why am I feeling this way?
Why do I feel so hurt? Why does this trigger a negative response within me, and nine times out of 10, you will most likely get something back, a memory will pop up in your head, or your intuition will guide you to do something. So really don't feel like talking to yourself is a bad thing because it's not it's actually the most powerful tool you can have in your, you know, in your personal growth. So, a big thing I really want to talk about is the power of journaling. journaling is something that I do every day, a lot of people in the spiritual community journal every single day and not just for, you know, personal development as well as shadow Work is a powerful tool for healing and manifesting and soul searching. And it allows you to be open to learning aspects about yourself that you didn't know were there.
I have included some really powerful journal prompts available in PDF form in this section to help you really jumpstart your journey. But again, journaling in general is just a really, really powerful tool that you can have just on an everyday basis, not even for Shadow Work. So definitely go ahead and check out the PDF for that. Now another powerful, powerful tool and I say this in all my courses, but meditation is your best friend. It allows you to be fully present in the moment. You know, not only does it have beautiful spiritual benefits, it strengthens your intuition.
It connects you to your soul and your higher purpose. But the human benefits that you get are absolutely astonishing. It reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. It increases your self control, it improves memory, it grows your creativity. And it allows you to become the observer of your thoughts rather than the victim of them. It's strange, and again, it strengthens your intuition and connection to the divine.
And I also have included a podcast interview as well as a guided meditation to help you jumpstart your meditation journey. Now, in this podcast interview, I speak with a fellow meditation teacher as well as coach. And I really enjoyed this conversation. So I hope that you guys enjoy it too. Again, all of this is in the file section of this section of the course. So another thing that you can do and this is a very powerful, very vulnerable, very very personal technique, and this is called the mirror technique.
And this is creating an inner dialogue with yourself. But with a much more powerful visual aspect of it. It grows your self confidence and self appreciation. And what you need to do is just go stand in front of a mirror in your home and you want to stare at yourself for five minutes, you know, maybe a little less. And you want to make eye contact with yourself. And you want to ask yourself, why do you feel the way you do?
Why am I feeling this way? And be sure not to lose eye contact with yourself. And, again, I have I have a PDF available for this as well. So please go feel free and check that out. But this is a really, really super powerful thing that you can do. And and I'm just going to say That is very awkward when you first started.
You know I'm guilty of it when you really first take a good look at yourself in the mirror and really just concentrate on yourself, you're gonna feel awkward, you're gonna feel uncomfortable, but it's in those times of feeling uncomfortable and feeling out of your comfort zone when you do the most straight. So in the next section, we are going to talk about different tools that you can use for Shadow Work. And yeah, I will see you guys in the next section.