When we talk about customer care, the first things that come to mind are looking after our customers, meeting their expectations, giving them correct information about the features and benefits of the products they're interested in, how they feel in our environment, treating people as you would like to be treated yourself, what they think about us when they walk away, helping them get the best products and services to meet their needs. First impressions, how to make them feel welcome. These are important but they're just one part of customer care, the personal element. This is the easiest to deal with as you already have the skills needed, as we'll show you later. But customer care is not just about the personal element, or how we interact with our customers. There are also physical and procedural levels elements.
Physical Customer Care includes what the website looks like how easy it is to navigate, or whether the chairs in your hairdressing salon are comfortable for people who are going to be sitting there for more than two hours. Physical Customer Care also includes good signage, welcoming decor. What you sell might be physical to, like a refrigerator. Procedural customer care is about how easy it is for people to make online orders. What forms do they have to fill out? How many steps are required to make a complaint?
How difficult is it to find an item in the warehouse to ship to a customer? This is about the procedures that you use. The procedure clearly supported the cuantas person, enabling her to act as she did. You'll hear more about this later. These three elements are all critical. The personal element and the physical element tend to be immediate when you're interacting with the customer.
More often it's the procedural element that gives you the most opportunity to improve the overall customer relationship. You can usually make suggestions come up with better ways of doing things. Make sure the right people in your organization hear about your experience. If you can overlook your habits, you can also have some effect within the confines of the resources you have to hand. For example, getting a chair for an elderly person simplifying a difficult procedure by writing down or explaining the key points for a customer, including on the website a diagram of the process and timelines required to obtain a permit or to return a product that isn't right. One way we can improve the customer experience is by reframing or managing their expectations.
Sometimes things go wrong with the procedures or physical aspects of your customer relationship, and there's nothing you can do to fix it in the short term. For example, an X ray machine breaks down and you have customers backing up for appointments that they might be anxious about anyway, how you handle the expectations of those customers can turn their experience from a negative one to something more positive. By giving customers information about what's happening and why they'll begin to feel empowered in the face of the problem. If you increase their level of choice, they're far more likely to accept the situation. empowerment and decision making always makes people feel better. So in our X ray example, you might explain that the machines down and is being repaired and estimate the time the customer might have to wait.
You can make some suggestions about how they might use that time, a coffee shop nearby. Ask if they have any other errands to do or reschedule for example, then ask them how they would like to proceed. The council bylaws officer might have to deal with an angry motorist who's just received a parking ticket. He might say, I had to give you that ticket as you parked in the clear way and you can see the sign. My electronic device won't allow me to cancel it now. You can pay the fine or speak to the council office to challenge the fine you choose.
The parking officer might give the motorist a card with names and phone numbers for him to contact should he choose this option. Although the motorist would still be upset, the anger will have faded, and he might choose to pay the fine. Now this doesn't change the difficult circumstance, but you've taken away some of the anxiety by putting the decision in the customers hands. In an X ray example, you have the opportunity to improve the customer experience by setting their expectations at a level that you know you can exceed. Then delighting your customer by proving it. You might tell them you expect the machine to take an hour to repair Knowing it's more likely to be 45 minutes, then when they're seen after 45 minutes, you've exceeded their expectations, and they feel they've been seen early instead of late.
Imagine them that the repair takes 10 minutes longer than you expected. Still within customer expectations, so no problem. This is a great tool that you can use in all sorts of situations. But do be careful to set realistic and reasonable expectations at all times. And make sure you can meet them at the very least this way. If things take longer than you expected.
Your customer still gets the service they were promised. You're giving yourself room for things to go wrong, or your customer gets what they expect, or better. What do you think Customer Care means to the customer. Now you've all been customers. It means getting what they want when they want it. being treated like a human being not like a number.
Not having the time when Having things made simple and clear. Getting all the information they need to make a good decision, enjoying their interaction, feeling special. You know how to give great customer service. You do it with all of your friends. You listen when they need someone to talk to. You make them feel good when they need a friend.
Cheer them up when they feel down, celebrate with them when things are going well. Find out what your friend needs and help them get it. You ask the right questions to get to the point they're trying to make. In short, you make them feel welcome in your home. Hey, it's great to see you. Thanks.
You didn't park in the driveway. Did you just sign sexually saying no parking? Did you say them didn't see any signs. No, but I can ship the car. I mean, I do wish I wish did I um I'll just I'll sit down then. shortlist I'll close the door.
Yep. This looks kind of strange in the home, doesn't it? The Office paradigm doesn't seem to fit here does it? We see straight away that the behavior is not right. yet. It's often what we see in the workplace.
You know, you already have all the skills you need for great personal customer service in the workplace. How do you make someone feel welcome in your home? you greet them at the door, show them in, offer hospitality. You introduce people to each other. You clean up prepare special food, make an effort to create a great lasting impression. How do you talk to your guests Someone's just sat down where you were about to move a table and sit up the drinks or food do you say, you can't sit there you'll have to move?
Or do you say I'm sorry to disturb you when you've just sat down? But I need to? What about if someone of a different cultural background comes to your home? Have you ever been in a situation where you were the person with a different cultural background, and you feel how we treated? What if someone announces they've recently stopped eating meat? You know how to deal with these issues when they come up at home?
What you're doing is problem solving for your friend or home customer. You're automatically thinking what you can do with the resources you have to make the experience less traumatic, or more positive. That's the habit we have at home. Customer Care is simply translating what you automatically do at home into the workplace. If we think of the workplace as our home, it is our own body. We feel comfortable here, we know our way around, then it's easier to excel at customer care.
Think of your customers as your guests. Treat them, like your friends. Of course, there are limitations. We're not suggesting everything translates. But this is a very useful way to rethink how you see your customers. You have the skills to create memorable, positive customer care.
You just need to adjust your thinking. So you're behaving at work as you would if you had honored guests in your home. You also need to be mindful when you're in stressful situations with customers and think about what you can do for your customer to treat them more like a friend. If you're dealing with a problem, for example, imagine you're explaining it to your mother. Remember, karma what you give out is what you get back. So make it positive.
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