Greetings, I'm Professor Kay. And in this short video presentation, we're going to see how we go about creating a reverse lookup zone inside of our DNS management console for Windows Server 2019. And though I am using a Microsoft Windows Server 2019 installation to demonstrate this procedure, the same procedure works for server 2012 and server 2016. So I'm currently up inside of my DNS Management Console on my DC one. Now, if I go over here to where it says reverse lookup zone and I right click, I have the option to create a new zone. Let's go ahead and click that option.
That brings up the reverse lookup zone wizard. Let's go ahead and click Next. And we're going to go ahead and create a primary zone. This is a primary reverse lookup zone. Let's go ahead and click Next. And we're going to do this to all servers running domain controllers in the domain.
Us cyber offense, COMM And We're going to sit next. And we're going to create an IP port reverse lookup zone, click Next. And now we type in the IP address of our network. That's all you have to type into the first three octets. Go ahead and click Next. On this next screen, we're going to allow both non secure and secure dynamic updates.
We're going to click Next. And we'll click Finish. Now that we have the reverse lookup zone created, it might take a few minutes for these records to update. And now the records are starting to come in. And as we allow the DNS server to refresh over time, all those records that are configured to have pointer records will eventually show up inside of your reverse lookup zone. So what's the purpose of a reverse lookup zone?
Well, with our forward look up zone, we can resolve the name of the device to its IP address. With a reverse lookup zone, you can resolve the IP address to the name of the device That's why it's called a reverse lookup. And so that's going to conclude this short video presentation on how we go about creating a reverse lookup zone up inside of our DNS management console for Windows Server 2019. So if you have any questions or you have any concerns about any of the information that was presented to you in this short video presentation, please do not hesitate to reach out contact your instructor and I'll see you in my next video.