Hello guys, welcome to the seventh session of create custom Alex's key using AWS lambda function tutorials for beginners. In this session we will see format of request and response format required by Alexa. Here is a simple request form it, Alexa will send this JSON data to a lambda function or other web hook version to present a version of the endpoint. The session provides additional information for content. session object will pass in all intent request as well as launch request and session ended request. new property it contains a boolean value, which indicate whether it is a new session or an existing session.
Session ID contains the unique value to identify a user's session uniquely. The application contains application ID which contains a unique value that represents User ID contains string value to uniquely identify the user. Access Token provides token identification of other link account if user link successfully. Permission contains consent token, it provides token for information that customer has consented to provide. Attributes contain even new payment. It contains data that we have set in session attributes in response.
When a new session starts it will be empty. Context object contains information about current state of skill, and Alexa. Audio Player contains the current state of an audio player such as current activity, its token and opposite. Display contains details of the current state of this play if it contains a display. system contains details about a system Done which includes application user and device. Device represents unique device ID, and supported interfaces details, such as template and markup versions.
EPA endpoint contains base URL which will use by Alexa. For API. API access token containing a token that can be used to access Alex's specific API. Request his most important object that we will use type contains type of request, such as launch request, intent request, session ended request, audio player request etc. request ID contains unique value to identify request uniquely. timestamp contains timestamp on vacation request is initiated.
Local contains language core that will be representing users loci. The intent object contains details about intent name contains the name of the intent from which the request is generated. Confirmation status indicating whether the user has explicitly confirmed or denied the entire intent. Its value can be none confirm or deny. Not object contains a key value map for each slot. Name represents the name of this log value contains original value that user has passed.
Again, confirmation status indicating whether the user has explicitly confirmed or denied the slot value. resolutions object representing the results of resolving the words captured from the users utterance that is it for request object. Now, we will see response object. This is response format which you generate by our lambda function or web hook that will be created. However, we only need to pass required objects with In response only, not all of the listed here version contains a version for a response. session attributes contains a key value map that will be added to the current session.
Response is the main object that we will need to return output speech object contains or issue tags that will Alex's p type can be plain text or SS ml. If you have used plain text then you need to specify output space in text properly. If you have used ssms, then right speech synthesis markup language in ssms property the prompt object contains outputs page. This will use when the session is active after sending a response but the user does not respond to an session contains a boolean value which indicates whether the session should end after Alex's picks the response or not object contains card details that will render to Alexa and there is various kind of cards. The simple card contains the only title and text contains. Standard card contains title content, text as well as small and large image.
You can add on the Vulcan object. I have added it two times for showing you the syntax of both type. directives contain an area of directives. That is specifying device level actions to take using a particular interface. In this it's not directive sense. Alexa, a command to ask the user for the value of a specific slot.
Not to elicit property contains the name of this law to LSE. Updated intent representing the intent sent to use key we can update slot value or confirmation status for the intern. Confirm slot direct view will send a command to confirm the value of a specific slot before continuing with the dialog. It contains same properties as aliases. audio players play directive sense and exact command to string the audio file. Play behavior describes playback behavior.
If it is encoded it will stream at end of the current cue. If replace all, then immediately begin playback of the specific stream. If replaced underscore include the more all strings in the queue. However, it does not impact the currently playing stream. Audio items stream contains an object representing the audio stream to play token the presence of a token for the audio stream URL contains the location of audio content at a remote HTTPS location. Offset in Millis seconds specified time span on which Alexa should begin playback.
Metadata contains some maternities to be shown on the device if it contains a display. We can add title, subtitle, album art and background image for the video game directive renders video on an exam. Review item object contains details of the video. Source contains URL of a video file that will be played. Meta data contains text for the title and subtitle of the video. Now, interactive generates in message to be a device with a display.
It contains some other commands which user can also try out. Render template directive render list. It contains template object type contains the name of the template to be rendered. Currently, it contains seven different kinds of templates for body template or list template. token use to track selectable elements. Back button property used to hide by button.
By default it is valuable. Title contains text to be displayed in the title for a discrete list items contains an array of the object which contain the text and images for the lease items. image object contains URL and description for the image. text content object contains text to be displayed in primary secondary interrogatory text. We can also say to reach tags, which can contain HTML. That is it will create lambda function in next session to generate a response.
Thanks for watching this video. If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact me Have a nice day.