Hello guys, welcome to the eighth session of create custom Alexa skill using AWS lambda function tutorials for beginners. In this session we will create a first lambda function and configure it in our scheme. To create lambda function, we need to log into Amazon's AWS account. If you're not subscribed, then you can create a new account which will provide free subscription for five months. I have already signed up so locked in it is a list of services that AWS provides. We are interested to create lambda function.
So search for it is a list of lambda function. It will be displayed if you have created and note that when you are creating lambda function for alaka then we must need to check region in which this function will be backup currently is supposed only for regions which includes Tokyo, Ireland, Northern Virginia and Oregon. I'm using North Virginia click on Create function button. We can create a function from scratch or import it from blueprints are repository. There are several lambda function blueprints for Alex x's, such as facts, keys, previous keys, smartphones, etc. to this city will create from scratch so selected that is great my first lambda for the function name.
Lambda function supports various runtime platforms such as dotnet, Java, node Python. throughout this series, we will use node j. If you're new, then you don't have any rules to select create a custom rules I'm going to create a new rule with named lambda basic execution. Click on allow button. here it will automatically select the role that we have created. Click on Create button in our lambda function created, scroll down.
Here is a code editor for editing our function. Then there are three different ways to generate a response to an existing first is simply generate a JSON object as per response we have seen in the previous session. Second is using Alexa SDK version one will see it in this session 15 and 16 and 30 is using Except for a CD, that is version two, along with some components of Alexa and throughout this series, I will use all three ways but the primary focus will be on using Alexa core SDK. In this couple of sessions, I will generate a response object manually. In next session, I will use Alexa SDK for the year I'm going to create a new function which will generate simple response object from a text message that passes a parameter. Here I'm going to create a new function which will generate simple response object from a text message that passes in a parameter.
Like function make response. It takes the text as a parameter that is create response object that any value in version within output speech I'm going to read in plain text that is fast parameters and after this response of a session will not end. And within this once in handler we will get context and callback along with event. for testing purposes, I'm going to call this function regardless request type are intended. for sending the response to Alexa, we need to use context dot succeed method. Within that I'm calling make response method and pass Hello from lambda and pure function.
Here is Aaron for our function here and stands for Amazon resource name it uses to identify function uniquely. It includes the region and function name copy Open Alexa console, click on the endpoint. We can provide endpoint from AWS lambda, or HTTPS website. Here we have created lambda function so select AWS lambda as you can use different endpoints for a different region based our lambda a Rn in default area. Here is a scale ID copy. In Configuration tab, expand designer and Alexis Katie's cooldown and paste your skill ID here.
Click on Add and fill function and so save and point, no tax. We must need to add Alex's key in the trigger before saving endpoint. Here we have successfully added Alexis skill key in our lambda functions trigger means this lambda function will invoke only it is receiving a request from Alexis. Let us open test. If you open this first time, then you need to enable. Come here we can write text or use microphone to start a conversation.
That is right first demo that is invocation name. Here we got response. Here is a JSON data that will send to our lambda function and here is a Jason written by generated over lambda. For testing we need to add this event in lambda function for testing. This is an example of non structural copy this request change In data expand drop down click on configure test event. Here we will create a new test event with name launch request and based Jason data here click on Create button to create that event.
That is saying hello. Here it says request how Hello intent harpeth is Jason competition. Again create a new event with name Hello event and basic code click on Create button to create test event. Notice My name is Neela it says request from display greeting intent. It also includes person name in this slot. Copy this Jason create a new event, display greetings and paste the code that is 10 I like Python.
It sends a request to favorite language intent. It includes language name in this loss or gain copy Jason create a new event, favorite language and basic code, click on Create button. In this session, we have created lambda function integrated with Alexis key and added this event for all In next session, we'll update our lambda function to response as per request. Thanks for watching this video. If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact me. Have a nice day.