To create your own assets or edit assets that you've downloaded from the web, a blender is a very useful tool. For one thing, it's free. So if you go to download blender, it'll choose the one that's suitable for your machine, install it, open it up, and you'll be looking at a screen very similar to this. It always starts with a default cube. Blender has nearly everything is some kind of shortcut you need to know about. to rotate the scene, press out on your keyboard and you can move out to zoom in and out.
Press Control and you can zoom in and out to pan out and shift To select an object, you right click it and a will select all or deselect all. To move an object, you can move it along the axes by moving along the arrows sticking out to the selection if you press R on your keyboard and it will go into rotate mode, press S on your keyboard and go into scale mode. So it's a little bit weird, but that's how it works. Let's look at adding a modifier. Select the spanner at the subdivision surface. Set it to to apply it and now we've got Key is more likeable.
Zoom in a bit. And if we go to Edit Mode and we're at a points, hedges of faces, or dew points, so we'll select that point by right clicking. And then we can start to mess about with our object. It's the briefest of introductions to blender, you can import FBX. exe files which is quite useful. And you can export out the exe files which is going to be very useful for your games.